Every second year the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) hosts a workshop on the use of high performance computing in meteorology. The 11th workshop was held from 25 to 29 October 2004.
The emphasis of this workshop was on achieving sustained teraflop performance in a production environment. Our aim at the high performance computing workshop is to provide a venue where:
- users from our Member States and around the world can report on their experience and achievements in the field of high performance computing during the last two years; plans for the future and requirements for computing power will also be presented
- vendors of supercomputers will have the opportunity to talk to managers and end users of meteorological computer centres about their current and future products
- meteorological scientists can present their achievements in the development of parallel computing techniques and algorithms, and can exchange ideas on the use of supercomputers in future research
- computer scientists can give an update on their efforts in providing tools which will help users to exploit the power of supercomputers in the field of meteorology
- the challenges of creating a computer centre infrastructure for HPC can be discussed
Session 1 |
Monitoring the atmosphere and the observing system: ERA-40 and GEMS Adrian Simmons |
Early experiences with the new IBM P690+ at ECMWF Deborah Salmond & Sami Saarinen |
Session 2 |
Science driven computer design William Kramer |
The Cascade High Productivity Programming Language Hans Zima |
The Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) and its implication on High Performance Computing Lars Fiedler |
Session 3 |
Operation Status of the Earth Simulator Atsuya Uno |
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Non-hydrostatic atmospheric GCM development and its computational performance Keiko Takahashi |
Price and power aware approaches to advancing atmospheric science Richard Loft |
A comparative study of coupling frameworks Venkatramani Balaji |
Session 4 |
The PRISM software infrastructure: Achievements and next steps Reinhard Budich |
Applying the EMSF component interface to parallel multi-scale general circulation simulation Chris Hill |
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PDAF - The Parallel Data Assimilation Framework: Experiences with Kalman Filtering Lars Nerger |
Optimal approximation of Kalman filtering with temporally local 4D-Var in operational weather forecasting Tuomo Kauranne |
Session 5 |
Petaflops computing systems for meteorology Thomas Sterling |
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Next generation science and engineering application- adaptive HPC architecture Eng Lim Goh |
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Session 6 |
NEC HPC systems and future Toshiyuki Furui |
Fujitsu's technical vision for High Performance Computing Yuji Oinaga |
The Cray Rainier system: Integrated scalar and vector computing Per Nyberg |
Session 7 |
IBM future technologies for High Performance Computing Don Grice |
Intel architecture based HPC technologies and solutions Herbert Cornelius |
Experience with porting, performance and benchmarking of climate and weather codes on the SGI Altix Gerardo Cisneros |
Session 8 |
Parallelisation of HIRLAM Jan Boerhout |
Optimisation of climate/weather codes for the Cray architectures John Levesque |
Optimal allocation of parallel computers for operational weather prediction Alexander MacDonald |
NWP in the US Navy Richard Hodur |
Session 9 |
Distributed data management at DKRZ Wolfgang Sell |
Supercomputing upgrade at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Ilia Bermous |
Unified model performance on the NEC SX-6 Paul Selwood |
Session 10 |
Met Office 4D-Var: Optimisation and performance on the SX6 Stephen Oxley |
DMI-HIRLAM on the NEC SX-6 Maryanne Kmit |
MPMD implementation of pre-operational 4D-Var on IBM P690 Simon Pellerin |
Session 11 |
The future of RAPS George Mozdzynski |
Preparing NWP models for Tera-Computing Ulrich Schattler |
Large Atmospheric Computation on the Earth Simulator (LACES) with the Canadian MC2 model Michel Desgagne |
The weather research and forecast model John Michalakes |
Establishment of an efficient managing system for NWP operation in CMA Hu Jiangkai |
Session 12 |
The next-generation supercomputer and NWP system of the JMA Masami Narita |
Performance analysis of regional ETA model (installation, running and optimisation on different platforms) Marijana Crepulja & Aleksandar Miljkovic |
Contribution of the HPC modernisation program in the weather research and forecasting model development Jerry Wegiel |
High Performance Computing, for medium and extended range prediction at NCMRWF Ashwini Bohra |
Session 13 |
Linux @ Livermore: Experiences operating large-scale production Linux clusters Douglas East |
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High productivity in Linux cluster Moray McLaren |
Teragrid global file system for Linux clusters Kolja Kuse |
Session 14 |
mogall: Running HIRLAM on a 6 x twin-xeon cluster at Met Eireann James Hamilton |
Running IFS on an LNXI Opteron cluster at ECMWF George Mozdzynski |
HPC Linux clusters, what is coming next? Jure Jerman |
Session 15 |
The Grid: An IT infrastructure for NOAA in the 21st Century Mark Govett |
An integrated computing and data environment for environmental applications Kerstin Kleese-van Dam |
Integrating distributed climate data resources: NERC Data Grid Andrew Woolf |
Production HPC on commodity Linux clusters: The role of infrastructural software Ian Lumb |
Session 16 |
Porting and performance of the Commodity Climate System Model (CCSM3) on the Cray X1 George Carr Jr |
Supercomputing at Meteo-France: Trend and perspective Jean-Francois Estrade |
Development and application of climate/weather prediction system Hyei-Sun Park |
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MSC HPC infrastructure update Alain St-Denis |
Message passing metrics for some common Codes and Early experiences of RAPS8 on the Cray X1 Bob Carruthers |
Session 17 |
Design and performance of an unstructured grid approach for a global triangular grid Luis Kornblueh |
A uniform programming model for arbitrarily complex distributed grid data objects in distributed and shared memory Venkatramani Balaji |
A distribute iterative method for solving the convection- diffusion equation Nikolaos Missirlis |