The ECMWF Workshop on Parametrization of clouds and precipitation across model resolutions was held from Monday 5 to Thursday 8 November 2012.
The ECMWF strategy for the development of physical parametrizations over the next decade places particular emphasis on moist physics and there are many questions of how best to represent the hydrological, radiative and dynamical impacts of cloud and precipitation across an increasing range of model resolutions.
This workshop discussed latest advances in understanding some of the key issues in parameterizing cloud and precipitation processes. The aim is to provide advice on the direction of future cloud scheme developments, with a particular emphasis on NWP as resolution increases from the 'large-scale' towards the 'convective-scale'. Such issues include:
- The appropriate level of complexity and numerical formulation of microphysics.
- How to represent the impacts of sub-grid heterogeneity efficiently and
- consistently across the range of model resolutions.
- How to get the most benefit from observations with an emphasis on evaluating and constraining cloud and precipitation processes.
Monday 5 November | |
Overview and cloud parametrization issues for ECMWF Richard Forbes (ECMWF) |
Parametrization of microphysics |
GASS Microphysics comparison project Adrian Hill (Met Office) |
Toward a unified microphysics scheme for NWP in Canada Peter Yau (McGill University) |
Small scales do not forget! Axel Seifert (DWD) |
High-resolution winter simulations over the Colorado Rockies: Sensitivity to microphysics parameterizations Greg Thompson (NCAR) |
Tuesday 6 November | |
Representing mixed-phase and ice phase microphysics Paul Field (Met Office) |
Cloud and microphysical schemes in Arome and Arpege models Yann Seity and Christine Lac (MeteoFrance) |
Representing cloud-aerosol interactions in GCMs Ulrike Lohmann (ETHZ) |
Representing sub-grid heterogeneity |
Implementing a statistical cloud scheme into the CAM climate model Vincent Larson (Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee) |
Sub-grid cloud parametrization issues in MetUM Cyril Morcrette (Met Office) |
Evaluating parameterisations of subgrid scale variability with satellite data Johannes Quaas (Univ. Leipzig) |
Extending a PDF cloud scheme to accommodate cirrus physics Ulrike Burkhardt (DLR) |
Sub-grid cloud-radiation interaction Robert Pincus (NOAA-ESRL) |
Towards scale-adaptivity and model unification in the representation of moist convection Roel Neggers (KNMI) |
Microphysics and convection in the "grey zone" Luc Gerard (RMI Belgium) |
Wednesday 7 November | |
Constraining cloud and precipitation parametrization with observations |
Evaluating the ECMWF model's clouds and radiation with ARM observations Maike Ahlgrimm (ECMWF) |
Aircraft observations of ice microphysics Andrew Heymsfield (NCAR) |
Evaluation and improvement of cloud schemes using radar and lidar observations Robin Hogan (Reading) |
Using CALIPSO for model validation Hélène Chepfer (LMD/IPSL) |
Using CloudSat and the A-Train for model validation Matt Lebsock (JPL) |
Working groups
Evaluating the ECMWF model's clouds and radiation with ARM observations Maike Ahlgrimm (ECMWF) |
Evaluation and improvement of cloud schemes using radar and lidar observations Robin Hogan (Reading) |
Extending a PDF cloud scheme in order to accommodate cirrus physics Ulrike Burkhardt (DLR) |
Mixed-phase Paul Field (Met Office) |
Representing cloud and precipitation in the ECMWF global model Richard Forbes (ECMWF) |
Microphysics and convection in the grey zone Luc Gerard (RMI Belgium) |
Ice cloud particle terminal velocity parameterizations for temperatures of 0 to -85C Andrew Heymsfield (NCAR) |
Kinematic modelling: How sensitive are aerosol-cloud interactions to microphysical representation Adrian Hill (Met Office) |
The behavior of two climate models that include a PDF-based parameterization (abstract) Vincent Larson (Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee) |
Using CloudSat and the A-Train for model validation Matt Lebsock (JPL) |
Representing cloud-aerosol interactions in GCMs Ulrike Lohmann (ETHZ) |
Sub-grid cloud parametrization issues in the Met Office Unified Model: A tale of several grey zones Cyril Morcrette (Met Office) |
Humidity-convection feedbacks in a mass flux scheme based on resolved size densities Roel Neggers (KNMI) |
Radiation across spatial scales (and model resolutions) Robert Pincus (NOAA-ESRL) |
Evaluating parameterisations of subgrid-scale variability Johannes Quaas (Univ. Leipzig) |
Cloud and microphysical schemes in ARPEGE and AROME models Yann Seity and Christine Lac (MeteoFrance) |
High-resolution winter simulations of winter precipitation over the Colorado Rockies Greg Thompson (NCAR) |
Toward a unified microphysics scheme for NWP models in Canada Peter Yau (McGill University) |