This year’s annual seminar on Global Earth-system monitoring was held at ECMWF from 5 to 9 September 2005.
Monday 5 September | |
Session 1: Overview |
Predicting atmospheric chemical composition Øystein Hov (Met No) |
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The GEMS project Tony Hollingsworth (ECMWF) |
An integrated global atmospheric chemistry observations strategy and WMOs leading role: GAW & IGACO Leonard Barrie (WMO) |
The dynamics that is significant for chemistry Michael McIntyre (University of Cambridge) |
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Scientific challenges in atmospheric chemical modelling Guy Brasseur (MPI Meteor) |
Tuesday 6 September | |
The role of science in the Kyoto protocol Vicky Pope (Met Office) |
Session 2: Modelling & Monitoring Greenhouse Gases |
The use of airborne and groundbased atmospheric observations in carbon cycle research Christoph Gerbig (MPI) |
Satellite observations of greenhouse gases Richard Engelen (ECMWF) |
Inverse estimation of surface exchanges of greenhouse gases Peter Rayner (CNRS/LSCE) |
Modelling of the Carbon Cycle in the GEOLAND project Jean-Christophe Calvet (Météo-France) |
Wednesday 7 September | |
Session 3: Modelling and Monitoring Reactive Gases |
Scientific challenges in chemical data assimilation Henk Eskes (KNMI) |
Chemical data assimilation at BIRA Dominique Fonteyn (BIRA) |
Estimation of surface emissions and biomass burning Claire Granier (Service d’Aeronomie) |
Session 4: Modelling and Monitoring Aerosols |
Aerosol monitoring and modelling Olivier Boucher (Met Office) |
Observational understanding of aerosols and climate Jim Haywood (Met Office) |
Thursday 8 September | |
Overview of aerosol, land-surface and ocean information from high spectral resolution imagers Michael Rast (ESA) |
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Aerosol modelling and assimilation for weather forecasting Jean-Jacques Morcrette (ECMWF) |
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Session 5: Regional Air Quality Forecasting and Related Health issues |
Regional air quality forecasting Vincent-Henry Peuch (Meteo-France) |
Chemical data assimilation for air quality forecasting Hendrik Elbern (University of Köln) |
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Friday 9 September | |
Met Service Canada’s atmospheric chemistry/forecast system Richard Ménard (CMC) |
Scientific challenges of UV-B Forecasting Henning Staiger (DWD) |
Health impacts of extreme weather and climate events Bettina Menne (WHO) |
An integrated global atmospheric chemistry observations strategy and WMOs leading role: GAW & IGACO L A Barrie |
Aerosol monitoring and modelling O Boucher |
Challenges in atmospheric chemistry modelling G P Brasseur |
Modelling of the carbon cycle in the Geoland project J-C Calvet |
Chemical data assimilation for air quality forecasting J Elbern |
Satellite observations of greenhouse gases R J Engelen |
Scientific challenges in chemical data assimilation H Eskes |
Chemical data assimilation at BIRA-IASB D Fonteyn |
The use of airborne and ground based atmospheric observations in carbon cycle research V Gerbig |
Estimation of surface emissions C Granier |
Observational understanding of aerosols and climate J Haywood |
A systematic approach to delivering socio-economic benefits from Earth-system observations by using Earth-system models and data-assimilation systems A Hollingsworth |
Prediction of atmospheric chemical composition O Hov |
Some dynamics that is significant for chemistry M E McIntyre |
Health impacts of extreme weather and climate events B Menne |
GEMS-aerosol at ECMWF J-J Morcrette |
The chemistry-forecast system at the Meteorological Service of Canada R Menard |
Regional air quality forecasting V-H Peuch |
The role of science in the Kyoto protocol V Pope |
Overview of aerosol, land-surface and ocean information from high spectral, reduced spatial resolution imagers M Rast |
Inverse estimation of surface exchanges of greenhouse gases P Rayner |
Scientific challenges of UV-B forecasting H Staiger |