The combined H-SAF and HEPEX workshops on coupled hydrology were held on the following dates:
- 3-6 November 2014: H-SAF
- 5-7 November 2014: HEPEX
The two workshops were organised next to each other and offered an opportunity to exchange information and interact within the hydrological and NWP communities. H-SAF and HEPEX tend to be complementary in expertise so that bringing them together can fuel discussions towards new applications.
The HEPEX part of the workshop was co-sponsored by the UNESCO International Hydrology Programme's "Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data (FRIEND)" programme.
H-SAF Workshop objectives
The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility (SAF) on support to operational hydrology and water management (H-SAF) aims at developing and delivering operational satellite derived products of precipitation, snow and soil moisture as well as continuous validation of these products.
The workshop (H-SAF CDOP-2) was hosted by ECMWF. It combined expertise of NWP and hydrological communities, for better implementation of satellite products in NWP systems and hydrologic models.
- To review the status of hydrological variables retrieval algorithms and exchange information and ideas on innovative approaches to prepare future satellites (e.g. GPM and NPOESS),
- To characterise the hydrological products accuracy and discuss the validation metrics,
- To review the status of activities on model optimisation and hydrological products data assimilation and to discuss the impact of products on hydrological models,
- To promote the use of H-SAF products and attract interest for expanding the user community during CDOP-2 phase and follow-on.
HEPEX Workshop objectives
The HEPEX (Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment) mission is to demonstrate the added value of hydrological ensemble predictions (HEPEX) for emergency management and water resources sectors to make decisions that have important consequences for economy, public health and safety.
HEPEX concentrates on key questions such as: what adaptations are required for meteorological ensemble systems to be coupled with hydrological ensemble systems? How should the existing hydrological ensemble prediction systems be modified to account for all sources of uncertainty within a forecast? What is the best way for the user community to take advantage of ensemble forecasts and to make better decisions based on them? The aim of this workshop was:
- to showcase methods in pre-processing of NWP products as input into hydrological forecasting chains (contribution to the HEPEX Scientific Implementation Plan on Pre-processing),
- to demonstrate data assimilation in operational hydro-meteorological forecasting chains (contribution to the HEPEX Scientific Implementation Plan on Data assimilation). A particular focus will be on new measurements as e.g. provided by the H-SAF community.
Videosof the presentations
Welcome H-SAF Project Manager Luigi De Leonibus (CNMCA) |
H-SAF and link to EUMETSAT satellite programme Lothar Schueller (EUMETSAT) |
Soil moisture session |
The role of soil moisture for land surface-atmosphere interaction processes Bob Su (University of Twente) |
Information Content of ASCAT Soil Moisture Data Wolfgang Wagner (GEO/TU Wien) |
Impact of different resampling methods on soil moisture and preparations for the SCA instrument Sebastian Hahn (TU Wien) |
Assimilation of H-SAF soil moisture products for hydrological modelling in Mediterranean catchments Christian Massari (CNR/IRPI) |
Cross validation of satellite product over France through their integration into a land surface model Jean-Christophe Calvet (Météo-France) |
Global monitoring of root zone soil moisture from scatterometer data assimilation : methodology and validation Clément Albergel (ECMWF) |
Assimilation of satellite soil moisture data in a distributed hydrological model: impact on the hydrological cycle in some Italian basins Simone Gabellani (CIMA foundation) |
Precipitation session |
Estimating precipitation from surface and satellite systems: managing expectation Chris Kidd (NASA/GSFC, University of Maryland) |
Passive microwave precipitation retrieval: potentials, challenges, and future perspectives within H-SAF Giulia Panegrossi (ISAC - CNR Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate) |
H-SAF Passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms: current status overview and analysis of results Paolo Sanò (CNR-ISAC ) |
The H-SAF future developments on Convective Precipitation Retrieval Davide Melfi (CNMCA) |
The activity of validation Gianfranco Vulpiani (Department of Civil Protection) |
Assimilating precipitation-related observations into global NWP models Alan Geer (ECMWF) |
Hydrological validation of H–SAF Precipitation Product on Polish basins from different regions (lowland, upland, mountainous catchments) Michal Kasina (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) |
Hydrological validation of H–SAF Precipitation Products -Case study Mai/June flood 2013 in Central Europe Peter Krahe (Federal Institute of Hydrology) |
The use of HSAF products in Weather Warning System Massimiliano Morucci (Italia Air Force - National Weather Service) |
Introduction of radar data quality control procedure in Poland and its impact on validation of H-SAF precipitation products Bozena Lapeta (IMGW) |
HSAF GV network systems Federico Porcù (UniFe) |
Snow session |
Outlook for satellite-derived snow products Edward Kim (NASA) |
Current state of snow remote sensing observations, future direction and remaining challenges Melody Sandells (Reading University) |
Ensemble Stream Flow Forecasts through the Data Assimilation of H-SAF Snow Products Aynur Sensoy (Anadolu University) |
Using satellite-derived snow information in NWP: assessing products for assimilation into the Met Office UK forecasting model Samantha Pullen (UKMO) |
The use of H-SAF snow products on mountainous areas Zuhal Akyürek (Middle East Technical University) |
H-SAF Snow products and their use in applications Matias Takala (FMI) |
ECMWF Snow data assimilation Patricia de Rosnay (ECMWF) |
Joint H-SAF HEPEX session |
HEPEX introduction to H-SAF Fredrik Wetterhall (ECMWF) |
Use of HSAF in HEPEX system (The European Flood Awareness System) Peter Salamon (JRC) |
H-SAF introduction to HEPEX Flavio Gattari (Telespazio) |
Assimilation of H–SAF Snow Water Equivalent and Soil Moisture products into the rainfall-runoff model HBV Dmytro Lisniak (BfG) |
Agricultural Drought Monitoring based on remote sensing data and the use of ECMWF data to support FAO Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS) Oscar Rojas (Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) |
WMO's Expectations on Applications of Satellite Information to Hydrology and Water Resources Julius Wellens-Mensah (WMO) |
Assimilating H-SAF Snow Product Data (snow coverage, snow water equivalent and soil moisture) into a rainfall-runoff conceptual model Rodolfo Alvarado (University Duisburg-Essen and Deltares) |
The value of hydrological ensemble predictions for reservoir inflow management Maria-Helena Ramos (IRSTEA) |
Improved understanding of flood extremes Hannah Cloke (Reading University, FRIEND network) |
Current and future developments in high resolution ensemble forecasting at the Flood Forecasting Centre Adrian Wynn (Flood Forecasting Centre, Met Office) |
Assimilation of snow data in ensemble streamflow prediction Kristie Franz (Iowa State University) |
Snow assimilation for river streamflow Yuqiong Liu (NASA) |
Assimilation of satellite observations into hydrological forecasting Albert van Dijk (Australian National University) |
Calibration in hydrology Luis Samaniego (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ) |
Post-processing ECMWF precipitation and temperature ensemble reforecasts for operational hydrologic forecasting at various spatial scales Jan Verkade (i. Deltares; ii. Rijkswaterstaat River Forecasting Service iii. Delft University of Technology) |
Operational hydrometeorological forecasting activities of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Tom Pagano (Australian Bureau of Meteorology) |
Data assimilation of flood inundation Patrick Matgen (Lippmann) |
OpenDA/Discharge assimilation Albrecht Weerts (Deltares) |
Luigi De Leonibus and H-SAF Project Management Team | E: hsafcdop@meteoam.it
Local organizers: Patricia de Rosnay and Clément Albergel
External Scientific Advisory Committee: Albrecht Weerts (Deltares) for HEPEX, Hannah L. Cloke (Reading University) for FRIEND.
Local organizers: Florian Pappenberger and Fredrik Wetterhall
Administrative assistance for both workshops is provided by Karen Clarke