The ECMWF/SPARC Workshop on Modelling and Assimilation for the Stratosphere and Troposphere was held at ECMWF from 23 to 26 June 2003.
The ECMWF model has a top level at 0.1 hPa with about 25 levels above the tropopause. It is planned to increase the vertical resolution particularly in the vicinity of the tropopause and a workshop on stratospheric modelling and assimilation is proposed to review recent studies and plans for the future.
General issues to be discussed at the workshop included the diagnosis and improvement of analyses and forecasts and associated transports, and the impact of vertical resolution and of the upper boundary condition. Studies of the assimilation of new data from recent satellites, the potential of future satellites, and the assimilation and monitoring of H2O, O3, CO2, CH4, N2O and aerosols will also be reviewed.
Introduction and working group reports
Representation of the stratosphere in ECMWF operations and ERA-40 A Simmons (ECMWF) |
Scientific objectives of SPARC and the value of data assimilation A O'Neill (SPARC) |
Processes | |
Recent radiative developments with impact on the stratosphere of the ECMWF model J-J Morcrette (ECMWF) |
Issues for stratospheric modelling and assimilation T Shepherd |
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Cross tropopause transport: processes and quantification based upon ECMWF analyses H Wernli (ETH) |
Cirrus clouds: observations, process modelling, parametrizations T Peter (ETH) |
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Stratospheric chemistry and aerosols D Fonteyn |
Observations | |
Space-based measurements of stratospheric aerosols L W Thomason (NASA) |
New techniques to sound the composition of the lower stratosphere and troposphere from space B J Kerridge (Rutherford-Appleton) |
Infrared Limb Sounding - MIPAS and HIRDLS A Dudhia |
Data assimilation | |
The assimilation of stratospheric satellite data at ECMWF T McNally (ECMWF) |
Representation of ozone in the ECMWF model A Dethof (ECMWF) |
Some challenges in assimilation of stratosphere/tropopause satellite data W Lahoz |
Model error estimation with data assimilation R Menard |
Progress and plans for stratospheric data assimilation at the Met Office R Swinbank |
Modelling | |
Simulations and routine forecasts in the UTLS and stratosphere with the chemistry and transport model MOCAGE V H Peuch (MOCAGE) |
Meteorological and constituent assimilation using NASA's GEOS-4 system S Pawson (DAO/NASA) |
Recent developments in the vertical discretization of the ECMWF model impacting on the stratosphere and tropopause A Untch (ECMWF) |
Using meteorological analyses for off-line chemical transport modelling M Chipperfield |
Development of the ICON dynamical core: modelling strategies and preliminary results L Bonaventura (MPI) |
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Stratospheric prediction in NWP models G Roff (BMRC) |
Some issues in isentropic-coordinate modelling and modelling the tropopause J Thuburn |
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Development of the ICON dynamical core: modelling strategies and preliminary results L Bonaventura |
Using meteorological analyses for off-line chemical transport modelling M P Chipperfield |
Representation of ozone in the ECMWF model A Dethof |
Infrared Limb Sounding - MIPAS and HIRDLS A Dudhia |
Stratospheric chemistry and aerosols D Fonteyn |
New techniques to sound the comparison of the lower stratosphere and troposphere from space B J Kerridge |
Some challenges in the assimilation of stratosphere/tropopause satellite data W Lahoz |
The assimilation of stratospheric satellite data at ECMWF T McNally |
Model error estimation: its application to chemical data assimilation R Menard |
Ozone-radiation interactions in the ECMWF operations and ERA-40 J-J Morcrette |
Scientific Objectives of SPARC and the value of data assimilation A O'Neill |
Some recent results obtained with NASA's GEOS-4 DAS S Pawson |
Cirrus clouds: observations, process modelling, parametrizations T Peter |
Simulations and forecasts in the UTLS and stratosphere with the chemistry and transport model MOCAGE V H Peuch |
Stratospheric prediction in NWP models G L Roff |
Issues for stratospheric modelling and assimilation T G Shepherd |
Representation of the stratosphere in ECMWF operations and ERA40 A Simmons |
Stratospheric data assimilation at the Met Office - progress and plans R Swinbank |
Space-based measurements of stratospheric aerosols L W Thomason |
Some issues in isentropic-coordinate modelling and modelling the tropopause J Thuburn |
Recent developments in the vertical discretization of the ECMWF model impacting on the stratosphere and tropopause A Untch |
Cross tropopause transport: processes and quantification based upon analyses H Wernli |