The seminar on Developments in Numerical Methods for Atmospheric and Ocean Modelling was held from 6 to 10 September 2004.
The Seminar presented a pedagogical review of recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling. Topics covered included the choice of the basic dynamical equations and coordinate systems for different applications, and the virtues of various horizontal and vertical discretizations in the context of a range of resolutions. The choice of time-integration schemes and questions of accuracy and conservation were addressed as well as issues of efficiency on different computer architectures.
The balance between accuracy and discretization is an important issue in ocean wave modelling. As the power of computers becomes greater and greater, the resolution of even global models is reaching the point where non-hydrostatic effects have to be taken into account and efficient algorithms to avoid instabilities in fast-travelling waves become of crucial importance.
Monday 6 September | |
Overview of the numerics of the ECMWF atmospheric forecast model M Hortal (ECMWF) |
Recent research for dynamical cores of nonhydrostatic, deep-atmosphere, unified models N Wood & A Staniforth (UKMO) |
Aladin/AROME dynamical core: status and possible extension to IFS P Bénard (Météo-France) |
The LOKAL model of DWD/SMO M Baldauf (DWD) |
Tuesday 7 September | |
Design and testing of the new CSU dynamical core D Randall (CSU) |
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The Global Nonhydrostatic Model NICAM: Numerics and performance of its dynamical core H Tomita (Frontier Res Sys) |
The ICON project: Development of a unified model using triangular geodesic grid L Bonaventura (MPI/DWD) |
Conservation issues C Temperton (ECMWF) |
Numerics of the physical parameterizations A Beljaars (ECMWF) |
Wednesday 8 September | |
Numerical methods for 4D-Var M Fisher (ECMWF) |
Overview of the ECMWF ocean model D Anderson (ECMWF) |
Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling A Adcroft (MIT) |
Dynamical core of the ROMS model D B Haidvogel (Rutgers University) |
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Numerical kernel of HYCOM model A Megann (SOC) |
Thursday 9 September | |
Ocean modelling with higher-order unstructured grid methods D B Haidvogel (Rutgers University) |
Numerics of the wave model P Janssen (ECMWF) |
Technical developments D Salmond (ECMWF) |
Time-dependent coordinate transformations P Smolarkiewicz (NCAR) |
Numerical simulation of internal wave dynamics N Wedi (ECMWF) |
Adaptive grids for weather and climate models C Jablonowski (NCAR) |
Friday 10 September | |
Diabatic contour advection and new variables in spherical geometry D Dritschel (St Andrew) |
Horizontal representation by double Fourier series on the sphere C Temperton (ECMWF) |
Elliptic solvers P Smolarkiewicz (NCAR) |
Overview of the formulation and numerics of the MIT GCM A Adcroft |
Overview of the ocean models at ECMWF D Anderson |
The LOKAL model of DWD/SMO M Baldauf |
The numerics of physical parameterization A Beljaars |
The ICON project: Development of a unified model using triangular geodesic grids L Bonaventura |
Aladin/AROME dynamical core: status and possible extension to IFS P Bénard |
A new spherical shallow-water model: building in wave-vortex decomposition D G Dritschel |
Generalized frames on the sphere, with application to the background error covariance modelling M Fisher |
The regional ocean modelling system: new time-stepping algorithms to reduce mode-splitting error and to ensure constancy preservation D B Haidvogel |
Ocean modelling with high-order unstructured grid methods D B Haidvogel |
Overview of the numerics of the ECMWF atmospheric forecast model M Hortal |
Adaptive grids for weather and climate models C Jablonowski |
Numerics of the wave model P Janssen |
The hybrid-coordinate ocean model (HYCOM) A Megann |
Dynamic grid deformation: continuous mapping approach J M Prusa |
Testing of a new dynamical core at CSU D A Randall |
Computer architectures and aspects of NWP models D Salmond |
Spectral preconditioners for nonhydrostratic atmospheric models: extreme applications P K Smolarkiewicz |
Recent research for dynamical cores of nonhydrostatic, deep-atmosphere, unified models A Staniforth |
Horizontal representation by double Fourier series on the sphere C Temperton |
Conservation issues C Temperton |
The Global Nonhydrostatic Model NICAM: Numerics and performance of its dynamical core H Tomita |
Numerical simulation of internal (gravity) wave dynamics N P Wedi |