The 2nd ERA-CLIM2 General Assembly was held at EUMETSAT on 9-11 December 2015.
The main goal of ERA-CLIM2 is to apply and extend the current global reanalysis capability in Europe, in order to meet the challenging requirements for climate monitoring, climate research, and the development of climate services. The five main objectives for the ERA‐CLIM2 project (see Section B1.1 of Annex I of the Grant Agreement) are:
- Production of an ensemble of 20th-century reanalyses at moderate spatial resolution, using a coupled atmosphere-ocean model, which will provide a consistent data set for atmosphere, land, ocean, cryosphere, including, for the first time, the carbon cycle across these domains;
- Production of a new state-of-the-art global reanalysis of the satellite era at improved spatial resolution, which will provide a climate monitoring capability with near-real time data updates;
- Further improvement of earth-system reanalysis capability by implementing a coherent research and development program in coupled data assimilation targeted for climate reanalysis;
- Continued improvement of observational data sets needed for reanalysis, in-situ as well as satellite-based, with a focus on temporal consistency and reduction of uncertainties in estimates of essential climate variables;
- Development of tools and resources for users to help assess uncertainties in reanalysis products.
The 2nd General Assembly will provide the ERA-CLIM2 partners and contributors the forum to assess progress since the 1st General Assembly, discuss open and outstanding scientific and technical issues, and plan how best to advance work to achieve its objectives.
Introduction R Buizza |
Overview of WP1 P Laloyaux |
Status, plans and first CERA results P Laloyaux |
Ocean initialisation and monitoring for CERA E de Boisseson |
Initial diagnostics on CERA-20C ensemble performance P Dahlgren |
Monitoring tools for CERA D Schepers |
Surface observation usage S Hirahara |
CERA-LAND P Peylin |
CERA data server P Laloyaux |
Overview of WP3 S Brönnimann |
Upper Air, surface and snow data deliverables contributed by RIHMI to WP3 A Sterin |
Progress on Météo France work S Jourdain |
Progress on digitising Portuguese and Chilean surface data plus Spanish pilot balloon data M A Valente |
ERA-CLIM2 Global Registry M A Valente |
Progress on Met Office work N Rayner |
Satellite data records for ERA-CLIM2 R Roebeling |
Progress on FMI work J Pulliainen |
Overview of WP2 M Martin |
Improved assimilation of SST observations M Martin |
Improved assimilation of sea-ice observations C-E Testut |
Use of ensemble information and development of efficient 4D-Var in ocean analysis A Weaver |
Generation of ocean ensemble information A Storto |
Land carbon developments P Peylin |
Ocean biogeochemistry in reanalysis M Gehlen |
Strengths/weaknesses of weakly coupled DA, coupled error covariance estimation and developing bias correction methods for coupled reanalysis K Haines |
Strongly coupled DA in simplified systems F Lemarié |
Overview of WP4 L Haimberger |
Homogenization tests on surface data using 20CR and ERA20C as reference series M A Valente |
Precipitation assessment with focus on station density, convective and stratiform precipitation E Rustemeier |
Input uncertainties for carbon estimates P Peylin |
On reproducing rescued UA data for the 50's of last century and IGRA dataset by reanalyses A Sterin |
Radiosonde humidity bias adjustments using reanalysis background departures M Blaschek |
Radiosonde bias adjustments as input for ERA5 L Haimberger |
Results from ERA-preSAT – Chances and challenges of assimilating pre-IGY upper air data S Brönnimann (presented by L Haimberger) |
Report of WG discussion: WP1 and WP2 |
Report of WG discussion: WP3 and WP4 |
WP1 plan for 2016 |
WP2 plan for 2016 |
WP3 plan for 2016 |
WP4 plan for 2016 |
Review and comments |
Looking ahead |