Search ECMWF publications

Showing 193 - 216 of 3063 results
A. Reppucci
P.-Y. Le Traon
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
Y. Fujii
T. Toyoda
N. Usui
N. Hirose
Y. Takaya
C. Kobayashi
N. Saito
T. Ishibashi
T. Iriguchi
M. Nosaka
S. Hirahara
T. Komori
Y. Adachi
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
Dinand Schepers
E. de Boisséson
P. Browne
Roberto Buizza
Giovanna De Chiara
P. Dahlgren
Reime Eresmaa
Y. Kosaka
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
M. Martin
J. While
D. Lea
R. King
J. Waters
A. Aguiar
C. Harris
C. Guiavarch
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
M. Kimmritz
F. Counillon
C.M. Bitz
F. Massonnet
I. Bethke
Y. Wang
Y. Gao
L. Bertino
N. Keenlyside
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
J. Derber
L. Xu
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
A. Czaja
A. Cobb
L. Sheldon
R. Parfitt
B. Vannière
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
M. Drusch
F. Richter
L. Kaleschke
N. Maass
X. Tian-Kunze
G. Heygster
S. Mecklenburg
T. Casal
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
S. Hendricks
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
M. Buehner
Alain Caya
Alex Komarov
Lynn Pogson
M. Ross
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications
M. Buehner
J.-F. Caron
Ping Du
2018, Presentation, Symposium: 20 years of 4D-Var at ECMWF
P. Courtier
2018, Presentation, Symposium: 20 years of 4D-Var at ECMWF
Daniel Varela
Michael Rennie
2018, Software
2018, Presentation, Workshop on observations and analysis of sea-surface temperature and sea ice for NWP and climate applications