Search ECMWF publications

Showing 97 - 120 of 736 results
Saleh Abdalla
Hans Hersbach
2004, Report, Final Report for ESA contract 15988/02/I-LG, ESA Contract Report
A. Adcroft
C. Hill
J-M. Campin
J. Marshall
P. Heimbach
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
Mike Fisher
E. Hólm
L. Isaksen
G. Radnóti
Y. Trémolet
2005, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
U. Andrae
N. Sokka
K. Onogi
2004, Report, ERA-40 Project Report Series, ERA Report
P. Antonelli
2004, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Assimilation of high spectral resolution sounders in NWP, 28 June - 1 July 2004
F. Atger
N. Girardot
2004, Conference Paper, Ninth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems. 10-14 November 2003
T. Auligne
2004, Conference Paper, ECMWF Workshop on Assimilation of high spectral resolution sounders in NWP, 28 June - 1 July 2004
M. Baldauf
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
F. Bouyssel
J. Noilhan
J.-F. Mahfouf
S. Bélair
G. Deblonde
2005, Conference Paper, ECMWF/ELDAS Workshop on Land Surface Assimilation, 8-11 November 2004
2005, Conference Paper, ECMWF/ELDAS Workshop on Land Surface Assimilation, 8-11 November 2004
Anton Beljaars
M. Köhler
J.-J. Morcrette
A.M. Tompkins
P. Viterbo
2004, Conference Paper, Seminar on Recent developments in numerical methods for atmospheric and ocean modelling, 6-10 September 2004
V.A. Bell
E.M. Blyth
R.J. Moore
2005, Conference Paper, ECMWF/ELDAS Workshop on Land Surface Assimilation, 8-11 November 2004
L. Bengtsson
1981, Conference Paper, Seminar on Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasts, 14-18 September 1981
L. Bengtsson
M. Kanamitsu
P.W. Kållberg
S. Uppala
1981, Conference Paper, Seminar on Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasts, 14-18 September 1981
P.S. Berloff
2005, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representation of sub-grid processes using stochastic-dynamic models, 6 to 8 June 2005.
J. Berner
G.J. Shutts
T.N. Palmer
2005, Conference Paper, Workshop on Representation of sub-grid processes using stochastic-dynamic models, 6 to 8 June 2005.