Three more South American national meteorological and hydrological services (NMHS) have signed up for
ECMWF web and data products in recent months. Following the emergency provision of real-time data during floods in Peru in March 2017 (see ECMWF Newsletter No. 152), ECMWF signed a new full NMHS non-commercial licence with the Peruvian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI). The one-year contract started on 28 December 2017. It gives access to both real-time data and web products (ecCharts). Also in December, a similar licence was signed with the Chilean weather service (Dirección Meteorológica de Chile). In February 2018, ECMWF also signed a new web NMHS non-commercial licence with Ecuador. The contract is for one year and gives Ecuador access to web products (ecCharts). The following South American countries have full NMHS non-commercial licences: Chile, Colombia, and Peru. In addition to these countries, Argentina and Ecuador have a web NMHS non-commercial licence.
The price for a full NMHS non-commercial licence is 42,000 euros per year while that for a web NMHS non-commercial licence is 3,500 euros per year. For more information on available licences, see the ECMWF licences web page: