The Catalogue outlines the real-time meteorological and oceanographic products available from the ECMWF forecasting system for use by licence holders.
Readers are expected to have a background knowledge of atmospheric or oceanographic sciences and are encouraged to consult the ECMWF Forecast User Guide.
Other forms of meteorological and oceanographic services and products are available via the National Meteorological Services of ECMWF's Member States.
Group A: High resolution forecast
- Set I: Atmospheric Model high resolution 15-day forecast (HRES)
Single prediction that uses observations, prior information about the Earth-system, and ECMWF's highest-resolution model. - Set II - Ocean Wave Model high resolution 15-day Forecast (HRES-WAM)
HRES-WAM (Wave Model) coupled to the atmospheric model (HRES).
Group B: Ensemble forecast up to the extended range
- Set III - Atmospheric model Ensemble 15-day forecast (ENS)
Ensemble of forecasts providing an estimate of the reliability of a single forecast. - Set IV - Ocean Wave Model Ensemble 15-day forecast (ENS-WAM)
Ensemble of forecasts providing an estimate of the reliability of a single forecast. - Set VI - Atmospheric Model Ensemble extended forecast (ENS extended)
ENS extended comprises ensembles of individual forecasts up to 46 days as well as post-processed products of average conditions (e.g. weekly averages) and the associated uncertainty.
Group C: Seasonal forecast
- Set V - Seasonal 7-month forecast (SEAS)
SEAS comprises ensembles of individual forecasts coupled to an ocean model and post-processed products of average conditions (e.g. monthly averages) with the associated uncertainty. Products are available up to 7 months ahead.
Group D: AIFS forecast
- Set IX - Deterministic AIFS forecast
Deterministic AIFS forecast provides up to 15 days of forecast.
Web products
- This licence provides access to ecCharts, which is ECMWF's interactive interface for visualising ECMWF real-time data (note: no raw data is accessible from this interface).