Atmospheric Model high resolution 10-day forecast (Set I - HRES)

Single prediction that uses

  • observations
  • prior information about the Earth-system
  • ECMWF's highest-resolution model

HRES Direct model output Products offers "High Frequency products"  

  • 4 forecast runs per day (00/06/12/18) (see dissemination schedule for details)
  • Hourly steps to step 90 for all four runs

Not all post-processed Products are available at 06/18 runs or in hourly steps.

The purchase of the "Basic Set" +72, +96, +120, +144, +168 hrs is a mandatory prerequisite for the purchase of time steps in the range 12 to 66 hours.

The following sub-sets are available from the HRES (High Resolution) Model (previously "Deterministic Atmospheric Model") :

I-i: Atmospheric fields (Direct model output)

I-ii: Time series of weather parameters (Post-processed output)

I-iii Tropical cyclones tracks (Post-processed output)

Tropical cyclones tracks products are provided in BUFR code free of information charge.

I-iv Simulated satellite data (Post-processed output)

Product description

  • 0.1° x 0.1° lat/long grid or any multiple thereof (global or sub-area)
  • On model (Octahedral) O1280 grid (global or sub-area)
  • Spectral components (TCO1279) for upper-air fields (global area only)

The products are provided in GRIB code except I-ii Time series of weather parameters and I-iii Tropical cyclones tracks that are provided in BUFR code.

See What is the format of the data?

Dissemination schedule

I-i: Atmospheric fields

Forecast Runs (base time) Forecast step frequency Forecast Dissemination schedule Forecast Dissemination stream indicator*
00 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 93  to 144 by 3
  • 150 to 240 by 6
  • 5:45 --> 6:12
  • 6:12 --> 6:27
  • 6:27 --> 6:55
  • S
  • D
  • D
06 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 11:45 --> 12:12
  • S
12 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 93 to 144 by 3
  • 150 to 240 by 6
  • 17:45 --> 18:12
  • 18:12 --> 18:27
  • 18:27 --> 18:55
  • S
  • D
  • D
18 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 23:45 --> 00:12
  • S


Analysis Runs (base time) Analysis Dissemination schedule Forecast Dissemination stream indicator
00 UTC
  • 5:40
  • D
06 UTC
  • 11:40
  • 17:35
  • S
  • D
12 UTC
  • 17:40
  • D
18 UTC
  • 23:40
  • 5:35
  • S
  • D

*for more information: Real-time data - file naming convention format

I-ii: Time series of weather parameters (Post-processed Products)


Weather Parameter Products Time available
00 UTC based 06:55
12 UTC based 18:55

 I-iii Tropical cyclones (Post-processed Products)

(dissemination data stream indicator = C)

Tropical cyclone products Time available
00 UTC based 06:55

06 UTC based

12 UTC based 18:55
18 UTC based 00:55
I-i: Atmospheric fields (Direct model output)

Single level - analysis

Analysis fields can be provided for base time 00, 06, 12 or 18

Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
aluvp 15 UV visible albedo for direct radiation (0 - 1)  
aluvd 16 UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation (0 - 1)  
alnip 17 Near IR albedo for direct radiation (0 - 1)  
alnid 18 Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation (0 - 1)  
cl 26 Lake cover (0 - 1)  
cvl 27 Low vegetation cover (0 - 1)  
cvh 28 High vegetation cover (0 - 1)  
tvl 29 Type of low vegetation ~  
tvh 30 Type of high vegetation ~  
ci 31 Sea ice area fraction (0 - 1)  
asn 32 Snow albedo (0 - 1)  
rsn 33 Snow density kg m**-3  
sst 34 Sea surface temperature K  
istl1 35 Ice temperature layer 1 K  
istl2 36 Ice temperature layer 2 K  
istl3 37 Ice temperature layer 3 K  
istl4 38 Ice temperature layer 4 K  
swvl1 39 Volumetric soil water layer 1 m**3 m**-3  
swvl2 40 Volumetric soil water layer 2 m**3 m**-3  
swvl3 41 Volumetric soil water layer 3 m**3 m**-3  
swvl4 42 Volumetric soil water layer 4 m**3 m**-3  
slt 43 Soil type ~  
lai_lv 66 Leaf area index, low vegetation m**2 m**-2  
lai_hv 67 Leaf area index, high vegetation m**2 m**-2  
sdfor 74 Standard deviation of filtered subgrid orography m  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
sp 134 Surface pressure Pa  
tcw 136 Total column water kg m**-2  
tcwv 137 Total column water vapour kg m**-2  
stl1 139 Soil temperature level 1 K  
sd 141 Snow depth m of water equivalent  
chnk 148 Charnock ~  
msl 151 Mean sea level pressure Pa  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
sdor 160 Standard deviation of orography m  
isor 161 Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography ~  
anor 162 Angle of sub-gridscale orography radians  
slor 163 Slope of sub-gridscale orography ~  
tcc 164 Total cloud cover (0 - 1)  
10u 165 10 metre U wind component m s**-1  
10v 166 10 metre V wind component m s**-1  
2t 167 2 metre temperature K  
2d 168 2 metre dewpoint temperature K  
stl2 170 Soil temperature level 2 K  
lsm 172 Land-sea mask (0 - 1)  
sr 173 Surface roughness (climatological) m  
al 174 Albedo (0 - 1)  
stl3 183 Soil temperature level 3 K  
lcc 186 Low cloud cover (0 - 1)  
mcc 187 Medium cloud cover (0 - 1)  
hcc 188 High cloud cover (0 - 1)  
src 198 Skin reservoir content m of water equivalent  
tco3 206 Total column ozone kg m**-2  
iews 229 Instantaneous eastward turbulent surface stress N m**-2  
inss 230 Instantaneous northward turbulent surface stress N m**-2  
lsrh 234 Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat ~  
skt 235 Skin temperature K  
stl4 236 Soil temperature level 4 K  
tsn 238 Temperature of snow layer K  
2sh 174096 2 metre specific humidity kg kg**-1  
aluvpi 210186 UV visible albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (0 - 1)  
aluvpv 210187 UV visible albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (0 - 1)  
aluvpg 210188 UV visible albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (0 - 1)  
alnipi 210189 Near IR albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (0 - 1)  
alnipv 210190 Near IR albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (0 - 1)  
alnipg 210191 Near IR albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (0 - 1)  
dl 228007 Lake total depth m  
lmlt 228008 Lake mix-layer temperature K  
lmld 228009 Lake mix-layer depth m  
lblt 228010 Lake bottom temperature K  
ltlt 228011 Lake total layer temperature K  
lshf 228012 Lake shape factor dimensionless  
lict 228013 Lake ice surface temperature K  
licd 228014 Lake ice total depth m  
200u 228239 200 metre U wind component m s**-1  
200v 228240 200 metre V wind component m s**-1  
100u 228246 100 metre U wind component m s**-1  
100v 228247 100 metre V wind component m s**-1  
I-i-a: Atmospheric fields -single level - forecast

Single level -forecast

Time Forecast time step Base time
T+0 to T+90 Hourly     00 UTC, 06 UTC, 12 UTC and 18 UTC
 T+93 to T+144 3-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
T+150h to T+240h 6-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
sro 8 Surface runoff m  
ssro 9 Sub-surface runoff m  
parcs 20 Clear sky surface photosynthetically active radiation J m**-2  
cl 26 Lake cover (0 - 1)  
ci 31 Sea ice area fraction (0 - 1)  
asn 32 Snow albedo (0 - 1)  
rsn 33 Snow density kg m**-3  
sst 34 Sea surface temperature K  
istl1 35 Ice temperature layer 1 K  
istl2 36 Ice temperature layer 2 K  
istl3 37 Ice temperature layer 3 K  
istl4 38 Ice temperature layer 4 K  
swvl1 39 Volumetric soil water layer 1 m**3 m**-3  
swvl2 40 Volumetric soil water layer 2 m**3 m**-3  
swvl3 41 Volumetric soil water layer 3 m**3 m**-3  
swvl4 42 Volumetric soil water layer 4 m**3 m**-3  
es 44 Snow evaporation m of water equivalent  
smlt 45 Snowmelt m of water equivalent  
dsrp 47 Direct solar radiation J m**-2  
10fg 49 10 metre wind gust since previous post-processing m s**-1  
lspf 50 Large-scale precipitation fraction s  
uvb 57 Downward UV radiation at the surface J m**-2  
par 58 Photosynthetically active radiation at the surface J m**-2  
cape 59 Convective available potential energy J kg**-1  
lai_lv 66 Leaf area index, low vegetation m**2 m**-2  
lai_hv 67 Leaf area index, high vegetation m**2 m**-2  
tclw 78 Total column cloud liquid water kg m**-2  
tciw 79 Total column cloud ice water kg m**-2  
mx2t6 121 Maximum temperature at 2 metres in the last 6 hours K  
mn2t6 122 Minimum temperature at 2 metres in the last 6 hours K  
10fg6 123 10 metre wind gust in the last 6 hours m s**-1  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
sp 134 Surface pressure Pa  
tcw 136 Total column water kg m**-2  
tcwv 137 Total column water vapour kg m**-2  
stl1 139 Soil temperature level 1 K  
sd 141 Snow depth m of water equivalent  
lsp 142 Large-scale precipitation m  
cp 143 Convective precipitation m  
sf 144 Snowfall m of water equivalent  
bld 145 Boundary layer dissipation J m**-2  
sshf 146 Surface sensible heat flux J m**-2  
slhf 147 Surface latent heat flux J m**-2  
chnk 148 Charnock ~  
msl 151 Mean sea level pressure Pa  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
blh 159 Boundary layer height m  
tcc 164 Total cloud cover (0 - 1)  
10u 165 10 metre U wind component m s**-1  
10v 166 10 metre V wind component m s**-1  
2t 167 2 metre temperature K  
2d 168 2 metre dewpoint temperature K  
ssrd 169 Surface solar radiation downwards J m**-2  
stl2 170 Soil temperature level 2 K  
lsm 172 Land-sea mask (0 - 1)  
strd 175 Surface thermal radiation downwards J m**-2  
ssr 176 Surface net solar radiation J m**-2  
str 177 Surface net thermal radiation J m**-2  
tsr 178 Top net solar radiation J m**-2  
ttr 179 Top net thermal radiation J m**-2  
ewss 180 Eastward turbulent surface stress N m**-2 s  
nsss 181 Northward turbulent surface stress N m**-2 s  
e 182 Evaporation m of water equivalent  
stl3 183 Soil temperature level 3 K  
lcc 186 Low cloud cover (0 - 1)  
mcc 187 Medium cloud cover (0 - 1)  
hcc 188 High cloud cover (0 - 1)  
sund 189 Sunshine duration s  
lgws 195 Eastward gravity wave surface stress N m**-2 s  
mgws 196 Northward gravity wave surface stress N m**-2 s  
gwd 197 Gravity wave dissipation J m**-2  
src 198 Skin reservoir content m of water equivalent  
mx2t 201 Maximum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing K  
mn2t 202 Minimum temperature at 2 metres since previous post-processing K  
ro 205 Runoff m  
tco3 206 Total column ozone kg m**-2  
tsrc 208 Top net solar radiation, clear sky J m**-2  
ttrc 209 Top net thermal radiation, clear sky J m**-2  
ssrc 210 Surface net solar radiation, clear sky J m**-2  
strc 211 Surface net thermal radiation, clear sky J m**-2  
tisr 212 TOA incident solar radiation J m**-2  
vimd 213 Vertically integrated moisture divergence kg m**-2  
tp 228 Total precipitation m  
iews 229 Instantaneous eastward turbulent surface stress N m**-2  
inss 230 Instantaneous northward turbulent surface stress N m**-2  
ishf 231 Instantaneous surface sensible heat flux W m**-2  
ie 232 Instantaneous moisture flux kg m**-2 s**-1  
skt 235 Skin temperature K  
stl4 236 Soil temperature level 4 K  
tsn 238 Temperature of snow layer K  
fal 243 Forecast albedo (0 - 1)  
fsr 244 Forecast surface roughness m  
flsr 245 Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat ~  
vis 3020 Visibility m  
so 151130 Sea water practical salinity psu  
ocu 151131 Eastward sea water velocity m s**-1  
ocv 151132 Northward sea water velocity m s**-1  
zos 151145 Sea surface height m  
mld 151148 Mixed layer depth m  
t20d 151163 Depth of 20C isotherm m  
tav300 151164 Average potential temperature in the upper 300m degrees C  
sav300 151175 Average salinity in the upper 300m psu  
viwve 162071 Vertical integral of eastward water vapour flux kg m**-1 s**-1  
viwvn 162072 Vertical integral of northward water vapour flux kg m**-1 s**-1  
2sh 174096 2 metre specific humidity  kg kg**-1  
sithick 174098 Sea-ice thickness m  
cin 228001 Convective inhibition J kg**-1  
zust 228003 Friction velocity m s**-1  
dl 228007 Lake total depth m  
lmlt 228008 Lake mix-layer temperature K  
lmld 228009 Lake mix-layer depth m  
lblt 228010 Lake bottom temperature K  
ltlt 228011 Lake total layer temperature K  
lshf 228012 Lake shape factor dimensionless  
lict 228013 Lake ice surface temperature K  
licd 228014 Lake ice total depth m  
degm10l 228020 -10 degrees C isothermal level (atm) m  
fdir 228021 Total sky direct solar radiation at surface J m**-2  
cdir 228022 Clear-sky direct solar radiation at surface J m**-2  
cbh 228023 Cloud base height m  
deg0l 228024 0 degrees C isothermal level (atm) m  
mx2t3 228026 Maximum temperature at 2 metres in the last 3 hours K  
mn2t3 228027 Minimum temperature at 2 metres in the last 3 hours K  
10fg3 228028 10 metre wind gust in the last 3 hours m s**-1  
i10fg 228029 Instantaneous 10 metre wind gust m s**-1  
mxcape6 228035 Maximum CAPE in the last 6 hours J kg**-1  
mxcapes6 228036 Maximum CAPES in the last 6 hours m**2 s**-2  
capes 228044 Convective available potential energy shear m**2 s**-2  
trpp 228045 Tropopause pressure Pa  
hcct 228046 Height of convective cloud top m  
hwbt0 228047 Height of zero-degree wet-bulb temperature m  
hwbt1 228048 Height of one-degree wet-bulb temperature m  
litoti 228050 Instantaneous total lightning flash density km**-2 day**-1  
litota3 228057 Averaged total lightning flash density in the last 3 hours km**-2 day**-1  
litota6 228058 Averaged total lightning flash density in the last 6 hours km**-2 day**-1  
tcslw 228088 Total column supercooled liquid water kg m**-2  
tcrw 228089 Total column rain water kg m**-2  
tcsw 228090 Total column snow water kg m**-2  
ssrdc 228129 Surface solar radiation downward clear-sky J m**-2  
strdc 228130 Surface thermal radiation downward clear-sky J m**-2  
u10n 228131 Neutral wind at 10 m u-component m s**-1  
v10n 228132 Neutral wind at 10 m v-component m s**-1  
fzra 228216 Accumulated freezing rain m  
ilspf 228217 Instantaneous large-scale surface precipitation fraction (0 - 1)  
crr 228218 Convective rain rate kg m**-2 s**-1  
lsrr 228219 Large scale rain rate kg m**-2 s**-1  
csfr 228220 Convective snowfall rate water equivalent kg m**-2 s**-1  
lssfr 228221 Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent kg m**-2 s**-1  
mxtpr3 228222 Maximum total precipitation rate in the last 3 hours kg m**-2 s**-1  
mntpr3 228223 Minimum total precipitation rate in the last 3 hours kg m**-2 s**-1  
mxtpr6 228224 Maximum total precipitation rate in the last 6 hours kg m**-2 s**-1  
mntpr6 228225 Minimum total precipitation rate in the last 6 hours kg m**-2 s**-1  
mxtpr 228226 Maximum total precipitation rate since previous post-processing kg m**-2 s**-1  
mntpr 228227 Minimum total precipitation rate since previous post-processing kg m**-2 s**-1  
mlcape50 228231 Mixed-layer CAPE in the lowest 50 hPa J kg**-1  
mlcin50 228232 Mixed-layer CIN in the lowest 50 hPa J kg**-1  
mlcape100 228233 Mixed-layer CAPE in the lowest 100 hPa J kg**-1  
mlcin100 228234 Mixed-layer CIN in the lowest 100 hPa J kg**-1  
mucape 228235 Most-unstable CAPE J kg**-1  
mudlp 228237 Departure level of the most unstable parcel expressed as Pressure Pa  
200u 228239 200 metre U wind component m s**-1  
200v 228240 200 metre V wind component m s**-1  
200si 228241 200 metre wind speed m s**-1  
100u 228246 100 metre U wind component m s**-1  
100v 228247 100 metre V wind component m s**-1  
pev 228251 Potential evaporation m  
ptype 260015 Precipitation type code table (4.201)  
tprate 260048 Total precipitation rate kg m**-2 s**-1  
ceil 260109 Ceiling m  
kx 260121 K index K  
totalx 260123 Total totals index K  
I-i: Atmospheric fields -Pressure levels - analysis

Pressure level - analysis

All parameters are available at levels
1000, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 20, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1 hPa

Analysis fields can be provided for base time 00, 06, 12 or 18


Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
pv 60 Potential vorticity K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
t 130 Temperature K  
u 131 U component of wind m s**-1  
v 132 V component of wind m s**-1  
q 133 Specific humidity kg kg**-1  
w 135 Vertical velocity Pa s**-1  
vo 138 Vorticity (relative) s**-1  
d 155 Divergence s**-1  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
r 157 Relative humidity %  
o3 203 Ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg**-1  


Pressure levels- forecast

Pressure level - forecast

All parameters are available at levels
1000, 950, 925, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 20, 10, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1 hPa

Time Forecast time step Base time
T+0 to T+90   Hourly   00 UTC, 06 UTC, 12 UTC and 18 UTC
 T+93 to T+144 3-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
T+150h to T+240h 6-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
pv 60 Potential vorticity K m**2 kg**-1 s**-1  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
t 130 Temperature K  
u 131 U component of wind m s**-1  
v 132 V component of wind m s**-1  
q 133 Specific humidity kg kg**-1  
w 135 Vertical velocity Pa s**-1  
vo 138 Vorticity (relative) s**-1  
lnsp 152 Logarithm of surface pressure ~  
d 155 Divergence s**-1  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
r 157 Relative humidity %  
o3 203 Ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg**-1  
clwc 246 Specific cloud liquid water content kg kg**-1  
ciwc 247 Specific cloud ice water content kg kg**-1  
cc 248 Fraction of cloud cover (0 - 1)  
Model Level - analysis

Model levels range: 1 to 137

Analysis fields can be provided for base time 00, 06, 12 or 18

Model level parameters are produced in GRIB2 format.

Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
crwc 75 Specific rain water content kg kg**-1  
cswc 76 Specific snow water content kg kg**-1  
etadot 77 Eta-coordinate vertical velocity s**-1  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
t 130 Temperature K  
u 131 U component of wind m s**-1  
v 132 V component of wind m s**-1  
q 133 Specific humidity kg kg**-1  
w 135 Vertical velocity Pa s**-1  
vo 138 Vorticity (relative) s**-1  
lnsp 152 Logarithm of surface pressure ~  
d 155 Divergence s**-1  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
o3 203 Ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg**-1  
clwc 246 Specific cloud liquid water content kg kg**-1  
ciwc 247 Specific cloud ice water content kg kg**-1  
cc 248 Fraction of cloud cover (0 - 1)  
Model Level - forecast

Model Level - forecast

Model level parameters are produced in GRIB2 format.

Time Forecast time step Base time
T+0 to T+90   Hourly   00 UTC, 06 UTC, 12 UTC and 18 UTC
 T+93 to T+144 3-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
T+150h to T+240h 6-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
crwc 75 Specific rain water content kg kg**-1  
cswc 76 Specific snow water content kg kg**-1  
etadot 77 Eta-coordinate vertical velocity s**-1  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
t 130 Temperature K  
u 131 U component of wind m s**-1  
v 132 V component of wind m s**-1  
q 133 Specific humidity kg kg**-1  
w 135 Vertical velocity Pa s**-1  
vo 138 Vorticity (relative) s**-1  
lnsp 152 Logarithm of surface pressure ~  
d 155 Divergence s**-1  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
o3 203 Ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg**-1  
clwc 246 Specific cloud liquid water content kg kg**-1  
ciwc 247 Specific cloud ice water content kg kg**-1  
cc 248 Fraction of cloud cover (0 - 1)  
cat 260290 Clear air turbulence (CAT) m**2/3 s**-1  
Potential vorticity levels (Analysis)

Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
pt 3 Potential temperature K  
pres 54 Pressure Pa  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
u 131 U component of wind m s**-1  
v 132 V component of wind m s**-1  
q 133 Specific humidity kg kg**-1  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
o3 203 Ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg**-1  
Potential vorticity levels (Forecast)

Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
pt 3 Potential temperature K  
pres 54 Pressure Pa  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
u 131 U component of wind m s**-1  
v 132 V component of wind m s**-1  
q 133 Specific humidity kg kg**-1  
gh 156 Geopotential Height gpm  
o3 203 Ozone mass mixing ratio kg kg**-1  
I-ii: Time series of weather parameters (post-processed output)

The products consist of values of the individual members of the real-time forecast at grid points (single locations). The products are provided in BUFR code.

Time Forecast time step Base time
 T+0 to T+240h 6-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
swvl1 39 Volumetric soil water layer 1 m**3 m**-3  
swvl2 40 Volumetric soil water layer 2 m**3 m**-3  
swvl3 41 Volumetric soil water layer 3 m**3 m**-3  
swvl4 42 Volumetric soil water layer 4 m**3 m**-3  
mx2t6 121 Maximum temperature at 2 metres in the last 6 hours K  
mn2t6 122 Minimum temperature at 2 metres in the last 6 hours K  
10fg6 123 10 metre wind gust in the last 6 hours m s**-1  
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
sp 134 Surface pressure Pa  
stl1 139 Soil temperature level 1 K  
sd 141 Snow depth m of water equivalent  
lsp 142 Large-scale precipitation m  
cp 143 Convective precipitation m  
sf 144 Snowfall m of water equivalent  
msl 151 Mean sea level pressure Pa  
tcc 164 Total cloud cover (0 - 1)  
10u 165 10 metre U wind component m s**-1  
10v 166 10 metre V wind component m s**-1  
2t 167 2 metre temperature K  
2d 168 2 metre dewpoint temperature K  
ssrd 169 Surface solar radiation downwards J m**-2  
stl2 170 Soil temperature level 2 K  
lsm 172 Land-sea mask (0 - 1)  
stl3 183 Soil temperature level 3 K  
lcc 186 Low cloud cover (0 - 1)  
mcc 187 Medium cloud cover (0 - 1)  
hcc 188 High cloud cover (0 - 1)  
tp 228 Total precipitation m  
stl4 236 Soil temperature level 4 K  
I-iii Tropical cyclones tracks (post-processed output)

Tropical cyclones tracks products are provided in BUFR code free of information charge.

Tropical cyclone tracks will only produce data when a cyclone is forecast.

Time Forecast time step Base time
 T+0 to T+240   00/06/12/18 UTC
Short name Long name Level type Type Base time Steps
TC Tropical cyclone SFC TF 00/06/12/18 240
I-iv Simulated satellite data (post-processed output)

This data is produced using relevant atmospheric model profiles and surface parameters from the operational high-resolution forecast. These are used to calculate brightness temperatures, which can be visualised as simulated satellite images.

Time Forecast time step Base time
 T+0 to T+144 3-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
T+150h to T+240h 6-hourly 00 UTC and 12 UTC
Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
clbt 260510 Cloudy brightness temperature K  
Medium (15 days)