WMO Essential

These products are available to the public and their use is governed by the Creative Commons CC-4.0-BY licence. This means WMO Essential data may be redistributed and used commercially, subject to attribution. 

These products are only available with a 0.5° by 0.5°grid.

New:Tropical cyclones for 06/18 cycles are available

Filenames follow the WMO standards
The list of products that you see is based on your login credentials

Based on HRES

Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Steps for times 06 &18 Domain Access
MSL  Mean sea level pressure  Pa  151 Surface 0 to 240 by 24 0 to 90 by 24 G Public
GH  Geopotential Height  gpm  156 500 0 to 240 by 24 0 to 90 by 24 G Public
Temperature  130 850 0 to 240 by 24 0 to 90 by 24 G Public
U component of wind  m s**-1  131 850 0 to 240 by 24 0 to 90 by 24 G Public
V component of wind  m s**-1  132 850 0 to 240 by 24 0 to 90 by 24 G Public
Tropical Cyclones
Long name Format Level Steps for times 00 &12 Steps for times 06 &18 Domain Access

Tropical Cyclone Trajectory (TC track including genesis)

BUFR surface  up to day 10 up to step 90 G Public

Based on ENS

ENS Mean and Standard Deviation
Short name Long name Unit ID Level Steps  Domain Access
GH  Geopotential Height  gpm  156 500 0 to 240 by 24 G Public
Temperature  130 850 0 to 240 by 24 G Public
WS Wind speed m s**-1  10 850 0 to 240 by 24 G Public
MSL  Mean sea level pressure  Pa  151 surface  0 to 240 by 24 G Public
Tropical Cyclones
Long name Format Level Steps for times 00 & 12 Steps for times 06 &18 Domain Access

Tropical Cyclone Trajectory (TC track including genesis)

BUFR surface  up to day 10 up to step 144 G Public
Medium (15 days)
Extended (30 days)
Long (Months)