Deterministic AIFS forecast (Set IX - AIFS)

Single forecast runs by the ECMWF Artificial Intelligence Forecasting System (AIFS) deterministic model.

  • 4 forecast runs per day (00/06/12/18)
  • 6 hourly steps to 360 (15 days)

While the data is freely available as open data, access can be purchased so that it can be disseminated to customers the same way as other data ECMWF produces. More details including licences and parameters are described at page AIFS Machine Learning data. Notice access to AIFS ensemble is not yet available for purchase.

The following sub-sets are available from the Deterministic AIFS forecast:

IX-i: Deterministic AIFS forecast

  • IX-i-a: Single level - forecast
Short Name ID Long Name Units Additional information
z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2
cp 143 Convective precipitation m  
msl 151 Mean sea level pressure Pa  
10u 165 10 metre U wind component m s**-1  
10v 166 10 metre V wind component m s**-1  
2t 167 2 metre temperature K  
2d 168 2 metre dewpoint temperature K  
lsm 172 Land-sea mask (0 - 1)  
  • IX-i-b: Pressure level - forecast

All parameters are available at levels
1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50 hPa

z 129 Geopotential m**2 s**-2  
t 130 Temperature K  
u 131 U component of wind m s**-1  
v 132 V component of wind m s**-1  
q 133 Specific humidity kg kg**-1  
w 135 Vertical velocity Pa s**-1  

 More details including licences and parameters are described at page AIFS Machine Learning data.

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