The Finance Committee (FC)

The FC provides the Council with opinions and recommendations on all financial matters submitted to the Council and exercises the financial powers delegated by the Council.

Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee


According to the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee, "the Committee shall be composed of:

i. one representative of each of the four Member States paying the highest contributions;

ii. representatives of the other Member States, appointed by them for a period of one year; each of these States may not be represented on the Committee more than twice in succession. The number of these representatives shall be one‐fifth of the number of the other Member States."

In 2024 the Committee's representatives are: Belgium (also representing Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the Netherlands), Norway (also representing Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Sweden), France, Germany, ItalyPortugal (also representing Greece and Spain), Türkiye (also representing Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia), and the United Kingdom.


Photo of Lukas Schumacher, Chair of the Finance Committee


Lukas Schumacher, Switzerland

Vice Chair

Ricardo José Squella de la Torre, Spain

Next sessions

21-22 October 2024, Reading (UK)
30 April 2025, virtual
27-28 October 2025

Joint sessions