Search ECMWF publications

Showing 193 - 216 of 289 results
K. Haines
2012, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, 6-9 September 2011
W. Hazeleger
2012, Conference Paper, Seminar on Predictability in the European and Atlantic regions from days to years, 6-9 September 2010
A.A.M. Holtslag
G. Svensson
S. Basu
B. Beare
F.C. Bosveld
J. Cuxart
2012, Conference Paper, Workshop on Workshop on Diurnal cycles and the stable boundary layer, 7-10 November 2011
A. Iafrati
A. Babanin
M. Onorato
2012, Conference Paper, Workshop on Ocean Waves, 25-27 June 2012
Antje Inness
F. Baier
I. Bouarar
S. Chabrillat
H. Clark
C. Clerbaux
P. Coheur
Q. Errera
Johannes Flemming
M. George
C. Granier
J. Hadji-Lazaro
V. Huijnen
D. Hurtmans
Luke Jones
J. Kaiser
J. Kapsomenakis
K. Lefever
J. Leitao
A. Richter
M.G. Schultz
Martin Suttie
O. Stein
V. Thouret
M. Vrekoussis
C. Zerefos
the team
2012, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
L. Isaksen
2012, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, 6-9 September 2011
Philippe Lopez
2012, Technical memorandum, ECMWF Technical Memoranda
J.C. Derber
A. Collard
2012, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, 6-9 September 2011
G. Desroziers
2012, Conference Paper, Seminar on Data assimilation for atmosphere and ocean, 6-9 September 2011
Enza di Tomaso
2012, Report, EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme Research Reports, EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme
F. Doblas-Reyes
2012, Conference Paper, Seminar on Predictability in the European and Atlantic regions from days to years, 6-9 September 2010
J. Doyle
P. Black
C. Amerault
S. Chen
S-H. Wang
2012, Conference Paper, Workshop on Ocean Waves, 25-27 June 2012
2012, Book Chapter, IFS Documentation CY37R2, IFS Documentation