ECMWF/GEWEX Workshop on Humidity Analysis

The ECMWF/GEWEX Workshop on Humidity Analysis was held at ECMWF from 8 to 11 July 2002.


The Workshop addressed background error covariance modelling, diagnosis and correction of biases in the data and in the model, the accuracy of radiative transfer observation operators (with respect to humidity), and the interactions between the humidity and the mass/wind analyses due to dynamical and physical effects.


PDF iconIntroduction and working group reports


Analysis of humidity, cloud and rain in the Met Office 3DVAR and 4DVAR systems: present and future

S Ballard

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SSM/I radiance assimilation at ECMWF

P Bauer

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Some aspects of modelling of the hydrological cycle in the ECMWF model

A C M Beljaars

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Humidity assimilation experiments with the HIRLAM 3D-Var

L Berre

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Calculating vertical motion using Richardson's equation

M Byrom

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Cloud/hydrometeor assimilation into 20-km rapid update cycle

D Kim

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SSMIS 1D-Var retrievals

G Deblonde

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An adaptive scheme for cycling background error variances during data assimilation

D P Dee

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High resolution numerical stimulation of precipitating events: on the importance of initial humidity field

V Ducrocq

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Jacobians of ECMWF prognostic and diagnostic cloud schemes

L Fillion

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Revision of the ECMWF Humidity analysis: construction of a Gaussian control variable

E V Holm

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Sensitivities and singular vectors with moist norms

T Jung

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ERA-40 hydrological cycle

P Kallberg

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Assimilation of water vapour radiances from geostationary imagers and HIRS at ECMWF

C Kopken

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1D-Var tests with TMI and SSM/I observations in rainy areas

P Lopez

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Radiative transfer modelling for humidity

M Matricardi

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The assimilation of humidity information from satellites

A McNally

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Review of test results on the accuracy of radiosonde relative humidity sensors

J Nash

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Assimilation of ground-based GPS data into a limited area model

M Tomassini

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Global and regional moisture analyses at NCEP

R E Treadon

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The JMA mesoscale 4D-Var system and assimilation of precipitation and moisture data

T Tsuyuki

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