The Annual Seminar on Data Assimilation and the Use of Satellite Data was held from 5 to 9 September 1988.
Scatterometry D L T Anderson |
On the growth of errors in data assimilation systems L Bengtsson |
The 3-I retrieval method. Recent local and global applications A Chedin |
Variational assimilation of meteorological observations with the direct and adjoint shallow-water equations P Courtier |
Research on satellite soundings at the UK Meteorological Office J R Eyre |
Comprehensive quality control L Gandin |
Methods for high resolution analysis N Gustafsson |
Recent NESDIS research in wind estimation from geostationary images C M Hayden |
Verification of FGGE assimilations of the tropical wind field: The effect of model and data bias A Hollingsworth |
The verification of objective analyses: Diagnostics of analysis system performance A Hollingsworth |
Microwave remote sensing of atmospheric water parameters K B Katsaros |
Satellite temperature soundings G A Kelly |
Optimal nonlinear analysis A C Lorenc |
Iterative approximations to O/I A C Lorenc |
Developments in the ECMWF analysis system P Lönnberg |
The relative importance of the retrieval approach and the first guess in the NESDIS retrieval algorithms L McMillin |
Current work at the French DMN: Kalman filter, variational analysis and satellite data impact study P Moll |
Variational analysis: use of observations - example of clear radiances J Pailleux |
Current work at ECMWF on the use of satellite data J Pailleux |
Four-dimensional variational assimilation O Talagrand |
Tropical data assimilation and analysis of divergence P Undén |