Annual Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere

The Annual Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere was held from 9 to 13 September 1985.


Validation of boundary layer schemes

J-C Andre

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Multi-level boundary layer schemes

J-C Andre

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Parameterization of moist convective effects on the thermodynamic and moisture fields in numerical models

R A Anthes

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Introduction to parameterization of physical processes in numerical models

R A Anthes

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The impact of some physical parameterizations on the UK Meteorological Office's forecast models

A Dickinson

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Bulk boundary layer schemes

A G M Driedonks

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Radiation codes for climate models: results of the intercomparison study and sensitivity of GCMs

Y Fouquart

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Impact of an envelope orography in the ECMWF model

M Jarraud

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On the parameterization of orographic drag

P J Mason

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A new convective adjustment scheme and its impact on the ECMWF model

M J Miller

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Convective momentum transport

M W Moncrieff

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Parameterization of the interactions between boundary layer clouds and boundary layer turbulence

D A Randall

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A simple biosphere (SiB) model for use within general circulation models: an overview of the model design and some preliminary results

P J Sellers

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Parametrization of sub-grid scale gravity wave momentum transfer and its influence in forecast/climate models

G J Shutts

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Parameterization of cloud cover

J Slingo

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Parameterization of land surface processes

G Sommeria

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Radiation schemes

G L Stephens

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The effects of clouds and radiation

G L Stephens

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Parameterization of stratiform condensation

H Sundqvist

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Parameterization of mesoscale processes

A J Thorpe

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Effect of physical parameterization on the large-scale flow in the ECMWF model

M Tiedtke

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