Search ECMWF publications

Showing 1 - 24 of 78 results
Maike Ahlgrimm
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
Y. Fouquart
F. Luther
J.-J. Morcrette
J.-F. Geleyn
1985, Conference Paper, Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere, 9-13 September 1985
S. Gadgil
2013, Conference Paper, Seminar on Seasonal prediction: science and applications, 3-7 September 2012
L. Gerard
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
Various Authors
1985, Conference Paper, Workshop on High Resolution Analysis, 24-26 June 1985
Various Authors
2013, Conference Paper, Seminar on Seasonal prediction: science and applications, 3-7 September 2012
Various Authors
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
Various Authors
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
Various Authors
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
2013, Conference Paper, Seminar on Seasonal prediction: science and applications, 3-7 September 2012
P. Field
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
Y. Seity
C. Lac
F. Bouyssel
S. Riette
Y. Bouteloup
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
S. Seneviratne
B. Mueller
R.D. Koster
R. Orth
2013, Conference Paper, Seminar on Seasonal prediction: science and applications, 3-7 September 2012
G.J. Shutts
1985, Conference Paper, Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere, 9-13 September 1985
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012
D. Anderson
2013, Conference Paper, Seminar on Seasonal prediction: science and applications, 3-7 September 2012
J.-C. Andre
1985, Conference Paper, Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere, 9-13 September 1985
J.-C. Andre
1985, Conference Paper, Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere, 9-13 September 1985
R. Anthes
1985, Conference Paper, Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere, 9-13 September 1985
R. Anthes
1985, Conference Paper, Seminar on Physical Parameterization for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere, 9-13 September 1985
2013, Conference Paper, Seminar on Seasonal prediction: science and applications, 3-7 September 2012
2013, Conference Paper, Workshop on Parametrization of Clouds and Precipitation, 5 to 8 November 2012