The 21st annual meeting of the European Working Group on Operational meteorological Workstations (EGOWS) took place in Reading, UK from Tuesday 1 June to Friday 4 June 2010. The meeting was hosted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
EGOWS was founded in 1990 as an informal forum for people working in the development field of operational meteorological workstations. The annual EGOWS meeting offers an excellent platform for exchanging information and furthering co-operation among the experts from European NMS's, ECMWF and other institutes.
The meeting consisted of presentations, software demonstrations, and working group sessions. Talks and demonstrations focused on the latest developments and gave the participants the opportunity to demonstrate their current operational systems. Working groups took place for discussions on special subjects.
Welcome E Andersson (ECMWF) |
Overview of ECMWF and how visualisation is used S Siemen (ECMWF) |
Metview 4 - ECMWF's next generation meteorological workstation I Russell (ECMWF) |
DWD@ NinJo - recent developments S Haucke (DWD) |
Diana - Status and recent developments L Bergholt (Met.No.) |
Developments on the operational systems at A Christoffersen (Met.No) |
Invent P Trevelyan (Met Office) |
WREP - The web re-engineering project at ECMWF B Raoult (ECMWF) |
Discussion: The OGC and the MetOcean DWG C Little (Met Office) |
Conceptual modelling within the OGC MetOcean Domain working group D Lowe (British Atmospheric Data Centre) |
OGC SLD & Symbology Encoding (SE) I Rinne (FMI) |
OGC standards C Little (Met Office) |
Current state of HAWK-3 M Rajnai (OMSZ) |
Meteo France: From Synergie and Oppidum to Synopsis M-F Voidrot-Martinez |
Implementing Weather Object Editor SmartMet II I Rinne (FMI) |
Making the weather visible, flexible and online J Matula (IBL) |
Forecast workstation in MetEireann K Commins (Met Eireann) |
Closing discussion |