Every second year the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) hosts a workshop on the use of high performance computing in meteorology. The 13th Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorology took place from 3-7 November 2008.
The emphasis of this workshop was on running meteorological applications at sustained teraflops performance in a production environment. Particular emphasis was placed on the future scalability of NWP codes and the tools and development environments to facilitate this.
This workshop aims to provide a situation where:
- Users from our Member States and around the world can report on their experience and achievements in the field of high performance computing during the last two years; plans for the future and requirements for computing power will also be presented.
- Vendors of supercomputers will have the opportunity to talk to managers and end users of meteorological computer centres about their current and future products.
- Meteorological scientists can present their achievements in the development of parallel computing techniques and algorithms, and can exchange ideas on the use of supercomputers in future research.
- Computer scientists can give an update on their efforts in providing tools which will help users to exploit the power of supercomputers in the field of meteorology.
- The challenges of creating a computer centre infrastructure for HPC can be discussed.
Session 1 |
Development of the ECMWF forecasting system Jean-Noël Thépaut (ECMWF) |
IFS performance on the new IBM Power6 systems at ECMWF Deborah Salmond (ECMWF) |
Session 2 |
Preparing for future HPC systems - scalability of the ECMWF data assimilation system Mats Hamrud (ECMWF) |
From climate to weather coupled modelling, challenges for ACCESS Tim Pugh (Australian Bureau of Meteorology) |
High performance computing at the Canadian Meteorological Centres (CMC) Michel Desgagné (Environment Canada) |
Session 3 |
The new HPC facility at DKRZ: Computing and data handling Joachim Biercamp (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH) |
Seamless simulations with Multi-Scale Simulator for the Geoenvironment (MSSG) Ryo Onishi (Earth Simulator Center) |
Session 4 |
Mass conserving positive definite semi-Lagrangian advection in NCEP GFS: decomposition of massively parallel computing without halo Hann-Ming Henry Juang (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC) |
Sequential data assimilation on high-performance computers with the parallel data assimilation framework Lars Nerger (Alfred Wegener Institute) |
Session 5 |
Multicore meets Petascale: Opportunities and challenges Kathy Yelick (EECS/NERSC) |
Cell and climate modeling Don Grice (IBM Corporation) |
Session 6 |
Update on Cray Activities in the Earth Sciences Per Nyberg (Cray Inc) |
The NEC SX-9: The next step forward in computational meteorology Thomas Schoenemeyer (NEC Deutschland GmbH) |
Session 7 |
HPC technologies for weather and climate simulations David Barkai (Intel Corp) |
Profiling and optimization of climate, ocean and weather codes on large clusters Hans Joraandstad (Sun Microsystems) |
Scalability of weather and climate codes: managing computational overheads in the many-core era Eng Lim Goh (Silicon Graphics) |
Session 8 |
The Portland Group - Premier services success stories Dave Norton (The Portland Group) |
IFS in the DEISA benchmark Peter Towers (ECMWF) |
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Session 9 |
RAPS workshop: Progress report George Mozdzynski (ECMWF) |
Parallel programming in Fortran with Coarrays John Reid (JKR Associates) |
Combining object-oriented techniques with co-arrays in Fortran 2008 Robert Numrich (University of Minnesota) |
Session 10 |
IFS scaling George Mozdzynski (ECMWF) |
Exploring extreme scalability in scientific applications Mike Ashworth (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) |
Switch jitter John Hague (IBM) |
Session 11 |
Further COSMO-model development or: Is it dangerous to buy a vector computer Ulrich Schättler (Deutscher Wetterdienst) |
Results from the UK Met Office HPC procurement Paul Selwood (Met Office) |
Porting and optimizing the cosmos coupled model on Power 6 Luis Kornblueh (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology) |
Session 12 |
Simplifying complex software development environments at scale with Allinea tools Jacques Philouze on behalf of David Lecomber (Allinea Software) |
Improved SW troubleshooting with TotalView and ReplayEngine Brian Bonenfant and Jim Pioche (TotalView Technologies) |
Session 13 |
The petaflops challenge for NWP and climate research Geerd-Ruediger Hoffmann (Deutscher Wetterdienst) & Ulrich Trottenberg (Fraunhofer-Institut SCAI) |
An update of activities at NCAR's Computational and Information Systems laboratory Al Kellie (NCAR) |
Session 14 |
NOAA Modeling Portal Jeff Smith (Earth System Research Lab/NOAA) |
Running operational weather models on FNMOC's Linux Networx Custom Supersystem Roger Stocker (FNMOC) |
Mass storage and archive challenges at NCEP George VandenBerghe (NOAA/NCEP) |
Session 15 |
Performance of the JMA NWP models on the PC cluster TSUBAME Hara Tabito (Japan Meteorological Agency) |
Variational ensemble Kalman filtering on parallel computers Tuomo Kauranne(Lappeenranta University of Technology) |
What can a small country do? The MeteoSwiss implementation of the COSMO suite on the Cray XT4 Petra Baumann(Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss) |