Workshop on Parametrization of clouds in large-scale models

The Workshop on Parametrization of clouds in large-scale models was held from 13 to 15 November 2006.


The representation of clouds in large scale models is still a challenging problem and further development of the cloud scheme is central to the Centre’s plans. The purpose of the workshop is to review the most recent developments in this area of research and to explore new ideas. Aspects that will be addressed are: Cloud microphysics with consideration of more processes and prognostic variables than currently in the IFS, the statistical nature of cloud schemes, the interaction of clouds with radiation, numerical methods to solve for fast cloud processes in the NWP context, and verification using ground based and satellite observations with particular emphasis on ice clouds.


PDF iconIntroduction and working group reports

PDF iconParticipants

PDF iconProgramme


General issues concerning clouds  

Issues concerning the representation of clouds in GCMs

Adrian Tompkins (ECMWF)

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Cloud feedbacks in GCMs: what did we learn from IPCC?

Sandrine Bony-Lena (LMD/IPSL)

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New insights in convection, precipitation, microphysics and cloud-radiation interaction using the GCSS strategy

Pier Siebesma (KNMI)

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Microphysical parametrization in global and regional models  

Modelling Aerosol-cloud interactions in GCMs

Ulrike Lohmann (ETH-Zurich)

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Contrast in ice cloud microphysics between tropics and midlatitudes, and its representation in models

Paul Field (NCAR)

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Parametrizing microphysics in global models

Damian Wilson (Met Office)

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Representation of clouds in AROME

Christine Lac & Sylvie Malardel (Météo-France)

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Representation of process interactions affecting clouds  

Prediction of cirrus clouds in GCMs

Bernd Kärcher (DLR)

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McICA: A state-of-the-art method for representing cloud-radiation interactions in GCMs?

Jean-Jacques Morcrette (ECMWF)

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Parametrizing cloud cover in large-scale models

Steve Klein (LLNL)

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An integral approach to modeling PBL transports and clouds

Martin Köhler & Roel Neggers (ECMWF)

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Validation of clouds  

Using satellites to validate clouds: ISCCP, MODIS, and now the Cloudsat era

Graeme Stephens (Colorado State University)

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Use of ground-based radar and lidar to evaluate model clouds

Robin Hogan (University of Reading)

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Using microwave limb sounder data to validate model cloud ice fields

Duane Waliser (JPL)

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Cloud radiative feedbacks in GCMs: a challenge for the simulation of tropical climate variability and sensitivity

S Bony

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Contrast in ice cloud microphysics between tropics and midlatitudes, and its representation in models [abstract]

P Field

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Cloudnet: Evaluation of model clouds using ground-based observations

R Hogan

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Parametrizing cloud cover in large-scale models [abstract]

S Klein

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Prediction of cirrus clouds in GCMs

B Kärcher

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An integral approach to modeling PBL transports and clouds: EDMF @ ECMWF

M Köhler

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Modelling Aerosol-cloud interactions in GCMs [abstract]

U Lohmann

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Clouds in AROME forecast project

S Malardel

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Impact of a new radiation package in the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System

J-J Morcrette

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Extending EDMF into the statistical modeling of boundary layer clouds

R A J Neggers

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New satellite observations and the cloud parametrization problem

G L Stephens

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Issues concerning the representation of clouds in GCMs

A M Tompkins

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Using microwave limb sounder data to validate model cloud ice fields [abstract]

D E Waliser

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Parametrizing microphysics in global models [abstract]

D Wilson

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