The ECMWF/WCRP Workshop on Clouds, Radiative Transfer and the Hydrological Cycle was held from 12 to 15 November 1990.
Working Groups
State-of-the-art precipitation estimates from satellites P A Arkin |
The hydrological cycle in the ECMWF short range forecasts K Arpe |
Radiation and cloud parameterization at the National Meteorological Center K Campana |
Inter and intra-diurnal variations of cloudiness over Africa from Meteosat observations J-Ph Duvel |
Radiation budget and longwave cloud forcing anomalies from NOAA operational data A Gruber |
Modelling and validation of clouds and radiation in the NCAR Community Climate Model J T Kiehl |
Use of satellite data to validate the hydrological cycle of the ECMWF model E Klinker |
Sensitivity and validation studies with a prognostic cloud generation model H Le Treut |
Estimation of latent heat flux over oceans W T Liu |
Diagnostics of cloud-radiation interactions using model-simulated Meteosat brightness temperatures J-J Morcrette |
Cloud forcing: a modeling perspective G L Potter |
Simulation of convective cloud fields in large scale models P J Rasch |
Explicit representation of clouds and precipitation E Richard |
Global cloud properties inferred from ISCCP analysis W B Rossow |
Studies of convection and cloud parametrizations in the GISS climate GCM W B Rossow |
Cloud and aerosol products at NOAA/NESDIS L L Stowe |
Simulation of convective cloud fields in large scale models M Tiedtke |
Simulation of cloud radiative forcing with the ECMWF model M Vesperini |
Analysis of cloud information from surface weather reports S G Warren |