The Workshop on Meteorological Operations Systems was held from 7 to 11 December 1987.
Distributed graphics on supercomputers and workstations for operational meteorology D Blaskovich |
Data flow in the meteorological computer system at DWD J Bottcher |
GKS programs - Are they portable? K Brodile |
Visualisation in scientific computing M Brown |
ECMWF Model Output on Video K Colman |
The use of computer graphics in the numerical simulation of detonics and penetration mechanics I Cullis |
Graphics facilities at ECMWF J Daabeck |
The application of 2, 3 and 4 dimensional colour graphics display techniques in the interpretation of complex multi-layer data models A Davies |
The use of real-time animation graphics in the analysis of meteorological model data K Drogemeier |
Outline of the French meteorological operational system S Dzietara |
The design and implementation of meteorological operational systems A Gadd |
Operational production of cloud motion winds at ESOC V Gartner |
Current and planned meteorological application systems at ECMWF J Gibson |
Data management and archiving J Gibson |
Buoy data acquisition, monitoring and management J Hamilton |
Charts: An interactive graphics system for the display of meteorological fields used at the Irish Met. Service J Hamilton |
An outline of the next meteorological operational system at JMA T Hiraki |
Advanced Meteorological image and graphics analysis system M Lawrence |
Graphics and GKS at the UKMO C Little |
WWW - Planning of meteorological operational systems S Mildner |
Meteorological Application Graphics, Integrated Colour System (MAGICS/GKS) P O'Sullivan |
Evolution of graphics standards G Pfaff |
Graphical products at the National Meteorological Centre of Rome S Potesta |
Data monitoring at ECMWF A Radford |
The current status of the short-range NWP operational system and the plan for developing a medium-range NWP operational system in China L Ruhua |
Piecewise-quadratic functions and contouring R Sibson |
The meteorological information system METIS R Spiers |
The RISC workstations D Sweetman |
3-dimensional visualisations of atmospheric jet streams J Tenenbaum |
Quality control of operational products at FNOC J Tupaz |
Ocean observations in support of interactive models P Wolff |