The Workshop on High Resolution Analysis was held from 24 to 26 June 1985.
Experiments in data assimilation using the adjoint model technique P Courtier |
The NMC regional analysis system G J DiMego |
The use of satellite data in the French high resolution analysis Y Durand |
Development of meso-scale analysis schemes for nowcasting and very short-range forecasting N Gustafsson |
The quality of ECMWF humidity analysis L Illari |
The use of satellite radiance measurements in the ECMWF analysis system G A Kelly |
The analysis of high resolution satellite data in the Met Office A Lorenc |
A technique for smooth transformation of large-scale analyses onto a high resolution grid D Majewski |
Use of satellite data in the ECMWF analysis system J Pailleux |
Generalised spline surfaces M A Pedder |
The adjoint model technique and meteorological applications O Talagrand |