Search ECMWF datasets

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A subset of ECMWF real-time forecast data are made available to the public free of charge. Their use is governed by the  Creative Commons CC-4.0-BY licence and the ECMWF Terms of Use . This means that the data may be redistributed and used commercially, … ...
15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015 with bias-corrected sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North Atlantic region. This experiment can be compared with gkzp, which is the relevant control … ...
15-member coupled IFS (cycle 43R1) extended-range reforecast experiment covering the period 1989-2015. The atmosphere is configured with 91 vertical levels and uses the Tco399 cubic octahedral reduced Gaussian grid. The IFS is coupled hourly to the 75 level … ...
Uses a sophisticated data assimilation methodology which includes a model bias correction. The ocean model used is forced by atmospheric daily surface fluxes, relaxed to SST and bias corrected. … Ocean Reanalysis System 4 … ICDC … ORAS4 … Uses a sophisticated … ...
An eddy-permitting ocean reanalysis spanning the period 1979–2012. Includes increased horizontal and vertical resolution, an prognostic sea-ice component, new versions of the ocean and data assimilation system, revised surface fluxes, new version and … ...
The ECMWF OCEAN5 system is a new global eddy-permitting ocean-sea ice ensemble reanalysis analysis system. This Technical Memorandum gives a full description of the OCEAN5 system, with the focus on its Behind-Real-Time (BRT) component, the reanalysis product … ...
S2S is a WWRP/THORPEX-WCRP joint research project established to improve forecast skill and understanding on the sub-seasonal to seasonal time scale, and promote its uptake by operational centres and exploitation by the applications community. The S2S … ...
TIGGE is a key component of THORPEX: a World Weather Research Programme to accelerate the improvements in the accuracy of 1-day to 2 week high-impact weather forecasts for the benefit of humanity. Global ensemble forecasts to around 14 days generated … ...
ECMWF is now running its own Artificial Intelligence Forecasting System (AIFS) as part of its experiment suite. The AIFS consists of a deterministic model and an ensemble model. Further details about the deterministic model can be found at … ...
These products are available to the African Center of Meteorological Application for Development (ACMAD) countries. Based on HRES The products outlined below are disseminated via EUMETCast Please refer to WMO Additional products  for the equivalent products … ...