Search ECMWF publications

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results
O. Stiller
S. Di Michele
J. Delanoë
2009, Report, WP-2100 Report for ESA contract 1-5576/07/NL/CB: Project QuARL - Quantitative Assessment of the Operational Value of Space-Borne Radar and Lidar Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Profiles, ESA Contract Report
P. Berrisford
D.P. Dee
Mark Fielding
P.W. Kållberg
S. Kobayashi
S. Uppala
2009, Report, ERA Report Series, ERA Report
Blazej Krzeminski
G.A. Kelly
A. McNally
2009, Report, EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme Research Reports, EUMETSAT/ECMWF Fellowship Programme
M. Drusch
J.M. Sabater
2009, Report, Progress report for ESA contract 3-11640/06/I-LG, ESA Contract Report
S. Di Michele
2009, Report, WP-1000 Report for ESA contract 1-5576/07/NL/CB: Project QuARL - Quantitative Assessment of the Operational Value of Space-Borne Radar and Lidar Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Profiles, ESA Contract Report
J.-J. Morcrette
Luke Jones
2009, Report, WP-2200 Report for ESA contract 1-5576/07/NL/CB: Project QuARL - Quantitative Assessment of the Operational Value of Space-Borne Radar and Lidar Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Profiles, ESA Contract Report
J.M. Sabater
Anne Fouilloux
M. Dragosavac
A. Hofstadler
2009, Report, ESA/ESRIN Contract 20244/07/I-LG, ESA Contract Report
2009, Report, ECMWF Annual Report