The 2014 WISE Meeting was hosted by ECMWF from 8 to 12 June.
The WISE meetings aim at improving the knowledge of physical processes involved in wave development and evolution from basin-scale to coastal environments. Wind waves represent a basic parameter of interest for marine applications. In the open ocean, they dictate the design and operational conditions of offshore structures and vessels. Close to the coast, the design and planning of any activity depends on the waves and on the local environment they create. The impact of waves on coastline flooding and defence is also important.
On a wider perspective, wind waves regulate to a considerable extent all transfers taking place at a variety of scales at the air-sea interface, e.g. momentum, energy, humidity, heat, aerosol. These transfers play a key role for atmosphere, ocean and sea ice dynamics. Modelling these exchanges is essential in the development a fully coupled earth system.
The meetings are also a forum to present and discuss novel techniques aimed at improving the numerics and reliability of wave models. All these aspects are part of the subjects discussed at WISE. Note that the meeting does not require any written proceedings, participants are therefore encouraged to freely present and discuss their latest results.
Local organizers: Peter Janssen and Jean-Raymond Bidlot