ERA-CLIM2 First General Assembly

The first ERA-CLIM2 General Assembly took place at ECMWF on 19-21 November 2014.




Introduction PDF


Dick Dee (ECMWF)

Copernicus Climate Change Service

Jean-Noël Thépaut (ECMWF)

Land service monitoring developments

Gianpaolo Balsamo (ECMWF)

WP1: Global 20th century reanalysis PDF

CERA development

Patrick Laloyaux (ECMWF)

Ocean component

Eric de Boisseson (ECMWF)

Land carbon component

Nicolas Vuichard (UVSQ)


Ocean carbon components

Aurelie Albert (MERCO)

WP5: Service developments PDF

Data services

Manuel Fuentes (ECMWF)

WP2: Future coupling methods PDF


Matt Martin (METO)

Assimilation of surface observations

Matt Martin (METO)

Development of the ocean analysis



Development of fully coupled data assimilation

Keith Haines (UREAD)

Integration in the CERA framework

Patrick Laloyaux (ECMWF)

WP3: Earth system observations PDF


Stefan Brönnimann (UBERN)

Digitisation of upper-air observations

Alexander Stickler (UBERN)


Recovery of early surface data; data rescue registry

Maria Antónia Valente (FFCUL)

Activities related to Task 3.1

Alex Sterin (RIHMI)

Activities related to Task 3.1

Sylvie Jourdain (METFR)

Satellite data reprocessing and intercalibration

Rob Roebeling (EUMST)

Activities related to Tasks 3.2, 3.3

Chris Atkinson (METO)


Snow cover by satellite data and historical in-situ observations

Miia Salminen (FMI)


Activites related to Task 3.3

Alex Sterin (RIHMI)

WP4: Quantifying and reducing uncertainties PDF

Systematic errors and energy budget evaluations

Leo Haimberger (UBERN)

Comparisons of ERA-20C, ERA-PreSAT and 20CR

Stefan Brönnimann (UBERN)

Comparing ERA-20C and GPCC monthly precipitation totals

Elke Rustemeier, DWD


A quality control visual tool for surface data and homogeneity testing

Maria Antónia Valente and Maria João Rocha (FFCUL)


Quality control of surface data and upper-air data at RIHMI

Alexander Sterin (RIHMI)

Quantification of uncertainties for the carbon reanalysis

Philippe Peylin and Nicolas Vuichard (USVQ)


Observation quality control and bias correction

Hans Hersbach (ECMWF)


Predictors and grouping for VarBC of radiosonde temperatures

Marco Milan (UNIVIE)

Presentations for project review PDF

Project management

Dick Dee (ECMWF)

WP1 and WP5

Dick Dee (ECMWF)


Matt Martin (METO)


Stefan Brönnimann (UBERN)


Leo Haimberger (UBERN)