The Workshop on Diagnostics of data assimilation system performance was held from 15 to 17 June 2009.
Data assimilation schemes have evolved into complicated systems with millions of degrees of freedom and handling massive amounts of observations. Effective monitoring of these systems is required and emerging techniques are now rapidly developing at most NWP centres. This review of the various methodologies and their effectiveness in diagnosing the impact of observations in NWP is suitably timely.
The workshop will consider all developed techniques to measure the performance of the assimilation system in numerical weather prediction. Impact of observations in the assimilation and the short range forecast will be assessed through different diagnostic techniques. In particular, methodologies to evaluate the analysis optimality related to all the analysis input parameters as the covariance matrices will be presented. Over the last few year, adjoint techniques have also been used to assess the observation impact in the short-range forecast, this methodology will be shown and compared with the more commonly used Observation System Experiment technique. Adjoint technique will further exploit to measure the impact in the short-range forecast of all the analysis input parameters. Methodology for assessing observation and model bias through re-analysis experiment will be also discussed.
Monday 15 June | |
Welcome and Introduction Martin Miller (ECMWF) |
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Data Assimilation Systems - Review Eugenia Kalnay ( Maryland University) |
Objective validation of a data assimilation system: diagnosing sub-optimality - Review Gerald Desroziers (Meteo-France) |
Diagnose model error in data assimilation system Chiara Piccolo (Met Office) |
Observation System Experiment to estimate the impact of observations Peter Bauer (ECMWF) |
Information Content in EnKF and the relation with Cross Validation Junjie Liu (Berkeley University) - presented by Eugenia Kalnay |
Estimation and diagnosis of analysis/background error covariances from an ensemble assimilation Loik Berre (Météo-France) |
Diagnosis of data assimilation systems by using normal modes Nedjelika Zagar ( University of Ljubljana) |
Monitoring long data assimilation time series: a reanalysis perspective with Era-Interim Paul Poli (ECMWF) |
Chemistry Data Assimilation validation with respect to independent data Angela Benedetti (ECMWF) |
Observing Simulated System Experiment to estimate the potential of future observations Mitchiko Masutani (NOAA) |
Tuesday 16 June | |
Recent developments in the use and understanding of adjoint-derived estimates of observation impact Ron Gelaro (GMAO) |
Sensitivity analysis in variational data assimilation and applications Dacian Daescu (Portland State University) |
FSO: Monitoring the observation forecast impact Fernando Prates (ECMWF) |
Verification of Ensemble Systems Olivier Talagrand (LMD) |
Convergence and stability of estimated error variances derived from assimilation residuals in observation space Richard Menard (Environment Canada) |
On-line observation covariance matrix tuning based on optimality diagnostic Bernard Chapnik (Météo-France)
Assimilation diagnostics from an ocean 3D-Var/4D-Var system Anthony Weaver (CERFACS) |
Working group discussions | - |
Wednesday 17 June | |
Working group discussions and drafting of recommendations Plenary Session |
A scale-based distortion metric for mesoscale weather verification Chermelle Engel (Melbourne University) |
An approach to assess observation impact based on observation-minus-forecast residuals Ricardo Todling (NASA) |
Assimilation diagnostics in the Mercator-Ocean forecasting systems Elisabeth Remy (CERFACS MERCATOR Ocean) |
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Diagnostics for the Assimilation of Observations in the Boundary Layer William Grey (Met Office) |
Evaluation of the impact of observations on analyses based in information content Cristina Lupu (Université du Québec à Montréal) |
Four Dimensional Observation Impact on the US Navy's Atmospheric Analyses and Forecasts Liang Xu (Naval Research Laboratory) |
Validation of the prototype GMAO OSSE system Ronald Errico (NASA/GMAO and UMBC/GEST) |
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The Impact of Lightning Data Assimilation on a Winter Storm Simulation over the North Pacific Ocean Tiziana Cherubini ( University of Hawaii) |
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Observing System Experiments (OSE) to estimate the impact of observations in NWP P Bauer |
Chemistry data assimilation validation using independent observations A Benedetti |
Use of consistent operational ensemble variational assimilation to estimate and diagnose analysis and background error covariances L Berre |
Representation of nocturnal marine stratocumulus cloud by means of a mesoscale model (MM5) [Poster abstract] G Bogale |
Forecast sensitivity to observations (FSO) as a diagnostic tool: monitoring the impact of observations on the short range forecast C Cardinali |
Sensitivity analysis in variational data assimilation and applications D Daescu |
Objective validation of a data assimilation system: diagnosing sub-optimality G Desroziers |
A scale-based distortion metric for mesoscale weather verification [Poster abstract] C Engel |
Recent developments in the use and understanding of adjoint-derived estimates of observation impact R Gelaro |
Diagnostics for the assimilation of observations in the boundary layer in 4DVAR [Poster] W Grey |
Data assimilation systems: Focus on EnKF diagnostics J Liu |
Review of self-sensitivity calculation in an Ensemble Kalman Filter and its extended applications to forecast impacts E Kalnay |
Evaluation of the impact of observations on analyses based in information content [Poster abstract] C Lupu |
Full OSSEs at NCEP and International Joint OSSE effort M Masutani |
Convergence and stability of estimated error variances derived from assimilation residuals in observation space R Menard |
Evolution of forecast error covariances in the dD-Var and ETKF methods C Piccolo |
Monitoring long data assimilation time series: a reanalysis perspective with ERA-Interim P Poli |
An approach to assess observation impact based on observation-minus-forecast residuals [Poster abstract] R Todling |
Ocean assimilation diagnostics from an ensemble 3D-Var system A Weaver |
Four dimensional observation impact on the US Navy's atmospheric analyses and forecasts [Poster abstract] L Xu |
Diagnosis of data assimilation systems by using normal modes N Zagar |