Every second year the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) hosts a workshop on the use of high performance computing in meteorology. This year’s workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorology was held from 30 October to 3 November 2006.
At the workshop there was an emphasis on running meteorological applications at sustained teraflops performance in a production environment, and on the application specific developments required to move towards petaflops computing.
Our aim was to provide a venue where:
- Users from our Member States and around the world could report on their experience and achievements in the field of high performance computing during the last two years; plans for the future and requirements for computing power were also presented.
- Vendors of supercomputers had the opportunity to talk to managers and end users of meteorological computer centres about their current and future products.
- Meteorological scientists could present their achievements in the development of parallel computing techniques and algorithms, and could exchange ideas on the use of supercomputers in future research.
- Computer scientists could give an update on their efforts in providing tools which will help users to exploit the power of supercomputers in the field of meteorology.
- The challenges of creating a computer centre infrastructure for HPC could be discussed.
Session 1 |
Development of the ECMWF Forecasting System Adrian Simmons |
Computational Efficiency of the ECMWF Forecasting System Deborah Salmond |
Session 2 |
NCAR developments in production computing Tom Bettge |
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NERSC Experience: Implementation of a Facility Wide Global File System William Kramer |
Session 3 |
Recent developments of NCEP GFS for High Performance Computing Henry Juang |
Multi-Scale Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean GCM and Simulations Keiko Takahashi |
HPC Activities in the Earth System Research Laboratory Mark Govett |
Session 4 |
High performance computing activities at CPTEC Jairo Panetta |
The status of HPC infrastructure and NWP operation in KMA Nam-Ouk Kim |
Session 5 |
The opportunities and challenges for PetaFlop computational science and engineering Douglass Post |
Update on Cray Activities in the Earth Sciences Segment Per Nyberg |
Session 6 |
Fujitsu's Vision for high performance computing Motoi Okuda |
IBM high performance computing technology roadmap Don Grice |
NEC HPC strategy and products Toshiyuki Furui |
Session 7 |
Linux Networx HPC strategy and roadmap Eric Pitcher |
SGI high performance computing for earth sciences Ilene Carpenter |
HPC strategy and direction for meteorological modelling Hans Joraandstad |
Session 8 |
GEMS: Global environmental monitoring and forecasting: Extending weather forecast & assimilation systems to encompass greenhouse gases, reactive gases and aerosols Tony Hollingsworth |
Variational Kalman filtering of nonlinear dynamic systems on parallel computers Tuomo Kauranne |
Reprocessing facilities for NWP Reanalysis Richard Bosworth |
Session 9 |
RAPS Workshop: Progress Report George Mozdzynski |
Preparing "Lokal Modell" for next generation regional weather forecasting and computing - Algorithms, Software Architecture, Parallel Performance Ulrich Schattler |
Optimizing IO performance in ECHAM5-HAM Mark Cheeseman |
Session 10 |
ORAP: a French initiative to promote HPC Marie Alice Foujols |
An overview of HPC at the Met Office Paul Selwood |
A new partitioning approach for ECMWF's Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) George Mozdzynski |
Session 11 |
Just on time to face new challenges with NEC super-computing in Meteo France Jean-Francois Estrade |
What SMT (Simultaneous Multi Threading) can do for you John Hague |
Flexible coupling for performance Rupert Ford |
Session 12 |
Performance measurements of ECMWF RAPS benchmarks on x86_64 architectures Dirk Merten |
Performance of the ECMWF RAPS9 IFS benchmark on the NEC SX-8 super-computer Mike O'Neill |
The performance of the COSMOS coupled model at DKRZ and ECMWF Luis Kornblueh |
Session 13 |
A new computational design for a Global Icosahedral Model Alexander MacDonald |
Tools, trends and techniques for developing scientific software Thomas Clune |
Structural programming in parallel Tarmo Kaldma |
Session 14 |
Analytic MPI scalability modeling on a flat interconnect George VandenBerghe |
Performance comparison of capability application benchmarks on the IBM p5-575 and the Cray XT3 Mike Ashworth |
Tuning ECMWF's RAPS9 benchmark for Intel (r) platforms Nikita Panov |
Session 15 |
The role of precision in meteorological computing: A study using the NMITLI Varsha GCM Tirupathur Venkatesh |
High performance storage solutions from DataDirect Networks Toine Beckers |
Advanced cluster software for meteorology Henry Strauss |