The workshop on Ocean Wave Forecasting was held from 2 to 4 July 2001
Developments in wave forecasting methodology have been considerable in the last fifteen years. The surge in interest in the problem can be identified with the establishment of the, largely European, WAM group under the auspices of the Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR).
The workshop followed the usual format of invited lectures and discussions in working groups and concluded with a plenary session. Groups were set up to consider the fields of wave modelling, physics and wave data assimilation.
Introduction and working group reports
Impact of wind gustiness and air density on modelling of wave generation: implementation at ECMWF S Abdalla |
Wind forcing in a spectrum of waves S E Belcher |
Assimilation of SAR data into the ECMWF global wave model J Bidlot |
Effects of wind gustiness and air density on the evolution of wave fields L Cavaleri |
A nonlinear dissipation function due to wave breaking M A Donelan |
A new method for directional wave analysis based on wavelets M A Donelan |
Coupled mesoscale modeling of the ocean wave/atmosphere interface under high wind speed conditions J D Doyle |
Towards a new wave prediction system H Gunther |
Prospect of new ocean waves spectral observations from the SWIMSAT satellite: measurements and assimilation D Hauser |
Prospects of the variational approach H Hersbach |
Assimilation of remotely sensed wave data at the Met Office M W Holt |
Random version of the Benjamin-Feir instability P A E M Janssen |
Present status of wave forecasting at ECMWF P A E M Janssen |
Nonlinear interactions of inhomogeneous random water waves M Stiassnie |
Numerics in wave models H L Tolman |
Improved algorithms for computing the non-linear quadruplet wave-wave interactions in deep and shallow water G P van Vledder |