Eighth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems

The Eighth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems was held from 12 to 16th November 2001.


The objective of the workshop was to review the state of the art of meteorological systems and address future trends in the use of medium-range forecast products, data management and meteorological visualisations on workstations.


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On the impact of frequent data in ECMWF's 4D-Var scheme. Hourly surface pressure data, European profilers and profiling aircraft data

E Andersson

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Performance and usefulness of ensemble based probabilistic forecasts

F Atger

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Data impact studies of Meteo-France

T Auligne

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Metview - Recent evolution of ECMWF's meteorological visualisation and computing software

R Bonifacio

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Recent developments in the ECMWF EPS

R Buizza

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User expectations from a medium-range and seasonal forecasting system

H Böttger

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Use of EPS to derive probabilistic forecast and severe weather events

D Cattani

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Recent observing system experiments at the UK Met Office

R Dumelow

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Building the new environmental software world in Java using VisAD

B Hibbard

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Monitoring and predicting the global environment

A Hollingsworth

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Validation of the Extreme Forecast Index for Hungary

I Ihasz

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Tubing method - control and results

J-M Jacquin

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Advanced flow representations applied to wind visualization

B Jobard

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The grid editor and verification results

J Kilpinen

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A JAVA based-meteorological workstation

H-J Koppert

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Statistical analysis of local 500 hPa ECMWF ensemble forecasts

S Kruizinga

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The CMC Ensemble Prediction System

L Lefaivre

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Early warnings of severe weather from the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System

T P Legg

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WMO strategy for migration to table driven code forms

J Martellet

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Operational calibrated probability forecasts from the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System: Implementation and verification

K R Mylne

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Recent development in the NCEP/EMC global modelling branch for 2001

H-L Pan

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Severe weather forecasts at the German Weather Service

T Schumann

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Aircraft data for NWP

J Stickland

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Monthly and seasonal forecasting at ECMWF

T Stockdale

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D3Ds: Using 3D visualization and other V1S5D tools in an operational forecast office

E Szoke

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Tropical cyclone information processing system (TIPS) of the Hong Kong Observatory

S C Tai

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Model errors and ensemble forecasting

Z Toth

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Application of the NCEP/EMC short-range ensemble forecast system (SREF) to predicting extreme weather events

M S Tracton

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Interactive, web-based three-dimensional visualizations of operational mesoscale weather models

L A Treinish

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How can we build more effective weather visualizations?

L A Treinish

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Developments in medium range and seasonal forecast guidance at the Bureau of Meteorology

G Warren

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Introduction about artificial neural network in precipitation forecast

S Zhao

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