The Seventh Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems was held from 15 to 19 November 1999.
Working groups
HORACE production facilities - past, present and future R Acker |
Meteorological data viewers at Japan Meteorological Agency K Araki |
Probabilistic forecasting at METEO-FRANCE F Atger |
Graphical interaction with gridded fields - A co-operation project at KNMI D Blaauboer |
Extreme weather event forecasting H Böttger |
FNMOC 2001: The new system architecture J Carman |
Forecast confidence index derived from the Ensemble Prediction System D Cattani |
DWD's news in medium-range forecasting P Emmrich |
Real-time database system for meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic data E Falkenroth |
EOSDIS Core System: System overview, Internet access of data and information, operator tools, and system benefits T Gubbels |
XCHARTS: An application for displaying meteorological fields and its use with Linux J Hamilton |
VisAD and Vis5D for meteorological applications W Hibbard |
Database development: Requirements and interfaces J Hodkinson |
Medium-range forecasts at METEO-FRANCE with the Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) J-M Jacquin |
ECMWF's new data dissemination system D Jokic |
Operational fields data base management D Jokic |
METVIEW news V Karhila |
The grid editor and other new developments at FMI J Kilpinen |
Lessons learned from developing prototype meteorological workstations with JAVA H-J Koppert |
Verification of EPS forecasts - Characteristics of some scores S Kruizinga |
Use of ECMWF products and performance of the forecasting system F Lalaurette |
Use of web-based display of NWP products at the Hong Kong Observatory H Lam |
MARS prototype implementation at BoM T Le |
Medium-range forecasting at NCEP - An Overview P C Manousos |
The medium-range forecast verification of ECMWF in the summer of 1998 H Mao |
PREVIN - An operational display system for ensemble products K Mylne |
Plans for the development of the EPS system T Palmer |
CMC medium to long-range dynamical forecasts. Method and results A Plante |
Web based interface to the ECMWF archive B Raoult |
Applications of cost-loss models D S Richardson |
Model evaluation and output verification at CPTEC P Satyamurty |
Extending database functionality through Empress persistent stored modules S Savchenko |
Medium-range forecasts at GMGO K-H Sawatzky |
The operational database system of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) based on a commercial RDBMS R Stanek |
Verification of a dynamical one-month forecast at Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) K Takano |
The web ToolBox architecture S Thepaut |
Australian marine forecasting system D Thomas |
On the ability of ensembles to distinguish between forecasts with small and large uncertainty Z Toth |
Operational use of Synergie for aeronautical forecasts M-F Voidrot |
AWIPS status report D Walts |
Overview of current status of operational database and archive systems for NWP of NMC/CMA J Wang |
Use of ensembles in medium-range forecasting at UKMO M Young |