The Workshop on Modelling and Data Assimilation for Land Surface Processes was held from 29 June to 2 July 1998.
Evaluating the land-surface component of NWP models using field experiment data specifically BOREAS A K Betts |
Land-surface modelling at the UK Met Office P Cox |
Climate model land boundary conditions from satellite data such as AVHRR R Dickinson |
Global ISLSCP data initiatives, and the Global Soil Wetness Project P A Dirmeyer |
Parametrization of snow in NWP and climate models: Motivation, requirements and validation H Douville |
Amazonian surface fluxes and boundary layer development: results from ABRACOS and prospects for LBA J H C Gash |
Potential of Meteosat Second Generation for the monitoring of land-surface properties Y M Govaerts |
Land-surface processes at high latitudes R J Harding |
Microwave soil moisture remote sensing P R Houser |
Application of a large scale hydrological model to the Arkansas-Red River basin C G Kilsby |
A new approach to the treatment of sub-grid scale heterogeneity in land surface models R Koster |
Accounting for snow in regional and global atmospheric models G E Liston |
SAFRAN/CROCUS: meteorological analysis and snow monitoring in mountain regions E Martin |
The assimilation of radiance data over land and ice surfaces T McNally |
Recent GCIP advancements in coupled land-surface modeling and data assimilation in the NCEP mesoscale ETA model K Mitchell |
Land-surface modelling at Meteo-France: Operational implementation of ISBA and recent developments (CO2 and hydrology) J Noilhan |
Uncertainty in the parametrization of land-surface schemes: experience from PILPS A J Pitman |
Analysis of soil moisture from screen-level atmospheric observations using a variational method A Rhodin |
Using soil moisture observations to evaluate land surface models A Robock |
Surface modelling in HIRLAM: Heterogeneity aspects E Rodriguez-Camino |
Soil moisture assimilation using satellite derived surface fluxes B van den Hurk |