The Workshop on non-linear aspects of data assimilation was held from 9 to 11 September 1996.
Data assimilation in ocean models D Anderson |
Implementation of variational quality control E Andersson |
The ECMWF implementation of three dimensional variational assimilation (3D-Var): Experimental results E Andersson |
Application of Kalman filtering to numerical weather prediction F Bouttier |
Fundamentals of atmospheric data assimilation R Daley |
Adaptive filtering and order-reduction in the ocean P De Mey |
Variational assimilation of NCEP J Derber |
Assimilation of remotely-sensed observations J Eyre |
On the problem of variational assimilation of precipitation data using moist-convective parametrization schemes L Fillion |
Estimation of analysis errors M Fisher |
Data assimilation for mesoscale models N Gustafsson |
A poorman's 4DVAR: the use of the adjoint model in an intermittent data assimilation system X-Y Huang |
Ocean waves assimilation P Janssen |
Treatment of non-Gaussian observation errors in the HIRLAM system P Lonnberg |
Quality control A C Lorenc |
Strategy for including physical processes in the ECMWF variational data assimilation system J-F Mahfouf |
Land surface assimilation J-F Mahfouf |
Introduction to the Kalman filter R N Miller |
Singular vectors, metrics and adaptive observations T N Palmer |
Four dimensional variational assimilation at ECMWF F Rabier |
How good is the tangent linear approximation for satellite observation operators? R W Saunders |
The global observing system B Strauss |
Basic facts about chaotic motions O Talagrand |
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4DVAR developments at Meteo-France J-N Thépaut |
Some strategies for Kalman filtering and smoothing R Todling |
Variational data assimilation in the tropics using precipitation data T Tsuyuki |
Adjoint physics in nonhydrostatic mesoscale adjoint modeling system X Zou |
Assimilation of precipitation data using a complex 4DVAR data assimilation system D Zupanski |