The Workshop on New Insights and Approaches to Convective Parametrization was held from 4 to 7 November 1996.
Introduction and working group reports
The parametrization of deep convection: a review A K Betts |
Parametrization of cumulus and MCSs in GCMs to mesoscale models W R Cotton |
The problem of convective moistening K A Emanuel |
Coupling between the convection and boundary layer schemes in the UKMO unified model A L M Grant |
Parametrization of convective momentum transports in the ECMWF model: Evaluation using cloud resolving models and impact upon model climate D Gregory |
Recent observations of deep convection: TOGA COARE R H Johnson |
Convectively generated gravity waves and their parameterization R Kershaw |
On the use of physical parametrizations in linearized NWP models J-F Mahfouf |
What controls large-scale variations of deep convection B Mapes |
Issues in convective momentum transports M W Moncrieff |
On parametrizing scales that are only somewhat smaller than the smallest resolved scales, with application to convection and orography T N Palmer |
Detailed analysis of cloud systems observed during TOGA COARE: simulations forced and unforced by the large scale motions J L Redelsperger |
A balanced flow perspective of the effect of deep convection G J Shutts |
On the mass flux approach for atmospheric convection P Siebesma |
Tropical variability and the validation of convective parametrizations J Slingo |
Simulation of mesoscale convective systems W-K Tao |
Explicit numerical simulation of cumulus within a developing tropical cyclone G J Tripoli |
Recent progress on cloud-resolving modeling of TOGA COARE and GATE cloud systems X Wu |