The Fifth Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems was held from13 to 17 November 1995.
Working groups
Comparative verification of precipitation from EPS and from the operational T213 forecast O Akesson |
Combined use of ensemble prediction system and high resolution model guidance in operational medium-range forecasting F Atger |
Towards a SYNERGIE program at Meteo-France P Benichou |
Interactive applications in a highly automated environment D Blaauboer |
Ensemble prediction at ECMWF R Buizza |
WFO advanced: A new FSL workstation C S Bullock |
General meteorological applications K E Christensen |
The DIAPASON system J Clochard |
Classification of ensemble forecasts with the help of an artificial neural network P Eckert |
A gratis two-model-ensemble versus EPS P Emmrich |
Operational meteorological products extraction from METEOSAT image data based on distributed UNIX workstation systems H Faas |
Current status of the ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA) project J K Gibson |
Graphics workstations at the Irish Meteorological Service J E M Hamilton |
Interactive visualisation and steering for weather computations W L Hibbard |
Operational use of workstation applications at the Canadian Meteorological Centre R Hogue |
METVIEW in a Member State: A dream or a reality? V Karhila |
The development of a new operational data base system at the Finnish Meteorological Institute J Kilpinen |
Digital map production application B Koza |
Introduction to NCAR Graphics Version 4.0 R L Lackman |
EPS evaluation at ECMWF A Lanzinger |
How successful have commercial tools and packages been in the management of Australian operational data? J B Lorkin |
Operational graphical presentation for local and remote users at the Italian Air Force Meteorological Service G Maresca |
Operational practice in medium-range forecasting at Meteo-France - new possible methodology and perspectives B Mornet |
NEONS at the Finnish Meteorological Institute V Nyfors |
Swiss meteorological workstation project C Pauli |
The relation between forecast inconsistency and skill in deterministic and ensemble prediction A Persson |
Operational databases at Meteo-France M Pottier |
Data handling at ECMWF B Raoult |
The use of ensemble forecasting techniques in the UK Met Office, now and in the future D S Richardson |
CPTEC - an emergent centre for weather and climate prediction P Satyamurty |
The operational use of workstations in the Central Forecast Office of the UK Met Office A Smith |
A synoptic evaluation of the NCEP ensemble Z Toth |
Meteorological data visualisation using IBM Visualisation Data Explorer D Watson |
Verification of weather element forecasts from an ensemble prediction system L J Wilson |
EMPRESS MET: The meteorological database management system - Current and future development N Wong |