The Workshop on Stratosphere and Numerical Weather Prediction was held from 15 to 17 November 1993.
Working groups
Stratospheric PV distributions in NWP models T Davies |
The GFDL SKYHI general circulation model: some results of relevance for numerical weather prediction K Hamilton |
Some aspects of stratospheric data assimilation at ECMWF G Kelly |
Diagnosis of the performance of the ECMWF forecasting system in the stratosphere E Klinker |
Modelling of the stratosphere with the ECHAM general circulation model E Manzini |
A synoptic view of the ECMWF stratospheric measurement campaigns B Naujokat |
High-resolution contour advection using NWP products R A Plumb |
Short range simulations of extratropical total ozone with Arpege/IFS L-P Riishojgaard |
Some stratospheric aspects of model development at ECMWF A Simmons |
Stratospheric data assimilation for the UARS project R Swinbank |
Stratospheric modelling within UGAMP J Thuburn |
Use of ECMWF products in stratospheric measurement campaigns A Tuck |