The ECMWF/EUMETSAT Annual Seminar on Developments in the Use of Satellite Data in Numerical Weather Prediction was held from 6 to 10 September 1993.
Assimilation of satellite data by 3D-Var at ECMWF E Andersson |
Introduction to numerical weather prediction data assimilation methods P Courtier |
Assimilation of TOVS data at NMC J C Derber |
The use of satellite data for inferring surface fluxes: application to the validation of GCM and NWP models L Eymard |
Assimilation of TOVS data: Problems and possibilities J Eyre |
Assimilation of TOVS data at the UK Met Office A Gadd |
Use of satellite data in ocean wave modelling (Abstract) K Hasselmann |
Ongoing development of satellite-derived winds at NESDIS/CIMSS C Hayden |
Assimilation of scatterometer data R Hoffman |
Measurement of atmospheric water parameters and wind speed with the special sensor microwave/imager and the ERS-1 scatterometer K Katsaros |
Assimilation and impact of satellite winds G Kelly |
The use of satellite data in diagnosing NWP model parametrization problems E Klinker |
Operational monitoring of satellite data and its availability R McGrath |
Experiments using one-dimensional variational analysis of TOVS data at ECMWF A McNally |
Assimilation of satellite data using variational techniques J Pailleux |
Assimilation of information on moisture and diabatic heating from satellite imagery K Puri |
A diagnostic study of outgoing longwave flux using estimates from raw TOVS radiances R Rizzi |
Developments in operational satellite winds from METEOSAT J Schmetz |
Satellite validation and unified model simulations of clouds and related variables A Slingo |
From measurement to model: ERS-1 scatterometer data assimilation A Stoffelen |
Assimilation of satellite data by 4D-Var at ECMWF J-N Thépaut |
Assimilation of satellite data for mesoscale analysis B Wright |