The Third Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems was held from 18 to 22 November 1991
Working groups
Plans for the NMC workstation facility J C Alpert |
Computer assisted forecasting in the alpine region including ECMWF guidance P Ambrosetti |
MERLIN - A prototyping system for the earth sciences S G Chapman |
Meteorological workstation systems at the NOAA Science Center J D Clark |
Atmospheric and oceanographic data modeling with a relational database management system J Copeland |
The MOSAIC concept H Faas |
Data modelling for environmental data bases: The METDATA system U M Freitas |
Operational use of ECMWF products through SAIDAS A Garcia Mendez |
Simple data base structures at ECMWF J K Gibson |
Migration of ECMWF's operational meteorological system to UNICOS on the Cray Y-MP J K Gibson |
Experiences from operational medium-range forecasting in the DWD R Graminski |
An operational medium-range NWP system in NMC China Q Guoquing |
Developments in meteorological workstations in the UK Meteorological Office T Hills |
Recent advances in satellite applications in support of meteorological operations F C Holt |
The forecast skill of DMO surface weather element forecasts from ECMWF for Beijing for the 11th Asian Games 1990 X Jianguo |
Operational use of medium-range weather products and predictive skill trials at SMHI R Joelsson |
UNIX conversion at the Canadian Meteorological Centre R Jones |
Graphics on workstations A Jørgensen |
The interactive graphical system of DWD H-J Koppert |
Meteorological Service Singapore graphic information visualization and access system T-K Lim |
The operational use of ECMWF forecast products in the UK Meteorological Office C Pardoe |
Problems and prospects in the operational use of medium-range NWP products A Persson |
METVIEW/ws: Manipulation and visualisation of meteorological data in workstations K Petersen |
Introduction of UNICOS into the UK Meteorological Office forecast suite F Rawlins |
Experiences of ORACLE database in FMI P Rissanen |
On the operational use of ECMWF products at METEO-FRANCE central forecasting office P Santurette |
The METPRO workstation version 2.0 S Schotz |
Subjective evaluation and objective verification of ECMWF products near and over Ireland G Scully |
The practice and problems of operational medium-range forecasting at the National Meteorological Center, Washington DC M S Tracton |
Naval environmental operational nowcasting system (NEONS) T L Tsui |
EGOWS: European working group on operational meteorological workstations M-F Voidrot-Martinez |
SYNERGIE: A workstation for operational weather monitoring and forecasting M-F Voidrot-Martinez |
The history of DAR3E D S Walts |
The UK Meteorological Office mesoscale interactive graphics facility B J Wright |