The Workshop on Fine-Scale Modelling and the Development of Parametrization Schemes was held from 16 to 18 September 1991.
Introduction and working group reports
Modelling of flows over the Alps T L Clark |
Fine-scale modelling of cumulus convection T L Clark |
The use of cumulus ensemble models to study the parametrisation of deep convection D Gregory |
A parametrization of the convective atmospheric boundary layer and its application into a global climate model A A M Holtslag |
Effects of convection on mass and momentum fields as seen from cloudscale simulations of precipitating systems J-P Lafore |
Modelling of inversion processes and cloud-top entrainment M K MacVean |
Boundary-layer parametrization in heterogeneous terrain P J Mason |
Fine-scale modelling of organized deep convection in the context of parameterization M W Moncrieff |
GCM gridscale evaporation from mesoscale modelling J Noilhan |
Simulations and parametrization of large eddies in convective atmospheric boundary layers U Schumann |
A numerical simulation of trapped lee waves over Wales G J Shutts |
The impact of longwave radiative cooling on the heating, moisture and water budgets in a tropical and a midlatitude squall line W-K Tao |