The annual Seminar on 10 years of Medium-range Weather Forecasting was held from 4 to 8 September 1989.
Impacts of changes in the ECMWF analysis-forecasting scheme on the systematic error of the model K Arpe |
Medium-range forecasting: applications at DMN C Blondin |
The BMRC global assimilation and prediction system W Bourke |
Availability and quality of global observational data H Böttger |
The atmospheric data assimilation problem - past, present and future R Daley |
Medium-range forecasting: applications C Finizio |
Performance of global models in support of major user services A J Gadd |
Global numerical weather prediction at the National Meteorological Center E Kalnay |
Use of satellite soundings in global modelling G A Kelly |
Precipitation prediction over the tropics from a global spectral model T N Krishnamurti |
Effects of analysis and model errors on routine weather forecasts E N Lorenz |
Numerical methods for the primitive equations (space) F Mesinger |
The parametrization of momentum fluxes in the free atmosphere M J Miller |
Parametrization of radiation transfer in the ECMWF model J-J Morcrette |
Data assimilation: optimum interpolation approach/variational approach J Pailleux |
Predictability in the medium range and beyond T N Palmer |
Studies of increased horizontal and vertical resolution A J Simmons |
Introduction to the parametrization of physical processes and presentation of boundary layer aspects G Sommeria |
Cumulus parametrization: thermodynamic aspects M Tiedtke |