The ECMWF/EUMETSAT Workshop on The Use of Satellite Data in Operational Numerical Weather Prediction: 1989-1993, was held from 9 to 12 May 1989.
Introduction and working group reports
Observing system experiments on NESDIS statistical retrievals of TOVS satellite data using the 1988 ECMWF data assimilation system E Andersson |
Satellite applications at NMC W E Baker |
Analysis of space-based ocean surface wind speed at GLA S C Bloom |
Potential use of ozone measurements in numerical weather models D Cariolle |
Fundamentals of the GLA physical retrieval method M T Chahine |
Recent developments and results of the 3I algorithm A Chédin |
Defence meteorological satellite program. Special Sensor Microwave/Imager environmental products C J Cornelius |
Convective clouds and associated precipitations M Desbois |
Use and impact of satellite data in the PERIDOT system Y Durand |
Quality of water vapour winds A Eriksson |
TOVS retrievals at UKMO J R Eyre |
A retrieval/forecast interactive system H E Fleming |
Data assimilation and forecast experiments at ECMWF using the '3I' retrieval scheme for satellite soundings J-F Flobert |
Cloud track wind measurement in Japan T Fukui |
On the use of satellite derived heating rates to initialise tropical forecasts W A Heckley |
OSSE's with the AFGL global data assimilation system R N Hoffman |
A unified retrieval methodology for the DMSP meteorological sensors R G Isaacs |
Use of TOVS data in Nordic analyses P Kallberg |
A study assessing the quality and impact of cloud track winds using the ECMWF analysis and forecast system G Kelly |
Quality control of NESDIS physical retrievals of TOVS satellite data G Kelly |
Cloud properties derived from AVHRR data K-T Kriebel |
Strategies for assimilating sounding information A C Lorenc |
Quality control of filtering of satellite data P Lönnberg |
Cloud-radiation diagnostics using ERBE and ISCCP data J-J Morcrette |
Use of VAS data for simulation of future Meteosat products M Perrone |
Work on S-I at KNMI G J Prangsmaa |
Monitoring of cloud-motion winds at ECMWF A Radford |
NOAA/NESDIS sounding products A Reale |
SSM/I geophysical retrievals and their impact on numerical modelling F R Robertson |
AVHRR and TOVS Lannion: Cloud processing, validation of R/T models G Rochard |
Cloud motion wind estimates in Europe J Schmetz |
Future satellite sounding techniques W L Smith |
Monitoring ov TOVS and DMSP data B Strauss |
Impact of interactive physical retrievals on NWP J Susskind |
Tuning the UK Meteorological Office's TOVS processing suite P D Watts |