The Workshop on Predictability in the Medium and Extended Range was held from 16 to 18 May 1988.
Forecast skill and predictability at the extended range using Monte Carlo ensemble integrations from a general circulation model D P Baumhefner |
Dynamical extended range forecasting at the Canadian Climate Centre G J Boer |
Extended range ensemble forecasting at ECMWF C Brankovic |
Probabilistic monthly mean predictions using forecast ensembles M Deque |
Prospects for practical extended range ensemble forecasting A Dickinson |
Energetics and skill of extended range predictions with the ECMWF T21 model W Jacobs |
Evaluation of the ECMWF experimental skill prediction scheme and a statistical analysis of forecast errors S Kruizinga |
An experimental scheme for the prediction of forecast skill at ECMWF F Molteni |
Relationships between initial circulation anomalies and forecast errors E A O'Lenic |
On the prediction of forecast skill T N Palmer |
Dynamical extended range forecasts of thickness J O Roads |
Impact of horizontal resolution on extended-range forecasts at ECMWF S Tibaldi |
Dynamical extended range forecasting (DERF) at the National Meteorological Center M S Tracton |