The Annual Seminar on Data Assimilation Systems and Observing System Experiments with Particular Emphasis on FGGE was held from 3 to 7 September 1984.
Observing system simulation experiments at GLAS R Atlas |
A comparison of forecasts from Cressman and optimum interpolation analysis W E Baker |
Four dimensional data assimilation L Bengtsson |
Observing system experiments using the Meteorological Office's 15-level model R A Bromley |
Observing system simulation. Potential impact of WINDSAT J P Gerrity Jr |
Status of NMC data assimilation system J P Gerrity Jr |
Observing system experiments - review and outlook A Gilchrist |
The statistical structure of short range forecast errors as determined from radiosonde data Part I: The wind field A Hollingsworth |
Monitoring of observations and analysis quality by a data assimilation system A Hollingsworth |
Meteorological parameters derived from space-based observing systems - FGGE and after D S Johnson |
The FGGE tropical observing system and the assimilation of data P R Julian |
On the impact of space-based observing systems in the JMA global forecast/analysis system K Kashiwagi |
Performance of some different FGGE observation subsets for a period in November 1979 P Kållberg |
The statistical structure of short range forecast errors as determined from radiosonde data Part II: The covariance of height and wind errors P Lonnberg |
Data assimilation by repeated insertion into a forecast model - principles, practice and plans A C Lorenc |
Towards an improved global observing system T Mohr |
Overview of the FGGE observing system P Morel |
Testing the North Atlantic observing network using different analysis schemes J Pailleux |
The ANMRC data assimilation system - the impact of normal mode initialisation techniques K Puri |
Investigations to reduce noise and improve data acceptance in the GFDL 4-dimensional analysis system K Puri |
Continuous data assimilation at GFDL during FGGE W F Stern |
Results from two recent observing system experiments at ECMWF S Uppala |