Annual Seminar on Data Assimilation Systems and Observing System Experiments with Particular Emphasis on FGGE

The Annual Seminar on Data Assimilation Systems and Observing System Experiments with Particular Emphasis on FGGE was held from 3 to 7 September 1984.


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Observing system simulation experiments at GLAS

R Atlas

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A comparison of forecasts from Cressman and optimum interpolation analysis

W E Baker

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Four dimensional data assimilation

L Bengtsson

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Observing system experiments using the Meteorological Office's 15-level model

R A Bromley

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Observing system simulation. Potential impact of WINDSAT

J P Gerrity Jr

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Status of NMC data assimilation system

J P Gerrity Jr

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Observing system experiments - review and outlook

A Gilchrist

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The statistical structure of short range forecast errors as determined from radiosonde data Part I: The wind field

A Hollingsworth

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Monitoring of observations and analysis quality by a data assimilation system

A Hollingsworth

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Meteorological parameters derived from space-based observing systems - FGGE and after

D S Johnson

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The FGGE tropical observing system and the assimilation of data

P R Julian

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On the impact of space-based observing systems in the JMA global forecast/analysis system

K Kashiwagi

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Performance of some different FGGE observation subsets for a period in November 1979

P Kållberg

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The statistical structure of short range forecast errors as determined from radiosonde data Part II: The covariance of height and wind errors

P Lonnberg

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Data assimilation by repeated insertion into a forecast model - principles, practice and plans

A C Lorenc

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Towards an improved global observing system

T Mohr

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Overview of the FGGE observing system

P Morel

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Testing the North Atlantic observing network using different analysis schemes

J Pailleux

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The ANMRC data assimilation system - the impact of normal mode initialisation techniques

K Puri

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Investigations to reduce noise and improve data acceptance in the GFDL 4-dimensional analysis system

K Puri

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Continuous data assimilation at GFDL during FGGE

W F Stern

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Results from two recent observing system experiments at ECMWF

S Uppala

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