The Workshop on Intercomparison of Large-scale Models used for Extended Range Forecasts was held from 30 June to 2 July 1982.
Climatology of the atmospheric circulation simulated by the NCAR Community Climate Model. M L Blackmon |
Sensitivity of the ECMWF model to changes in resolution U Cubasch |
Error estimates for extended range forecasts with dynamic models J Egger |
Zonal mean winds and momentum budgets J S A Green |
On the performance of the ECMWF model in the tropics W A Heckley |
Observational studies relevant for the verification of the general circulation models E O Holopainen |
Some differences between the Met O 20 5 and 11 layer model annual cycle integrations J F B Mitchell |
The role of radiation in the zonal mean circulation: GCM experiments V Ramanathan |
Monthly and seasonal simulations with the GLAS climate model D A Randall |
Sensitivity of general circulation models to land surface processes P R Rowntree |
Some aspects of the performance of a basic version of the LMD general circulation model in January and July simulations R Sadourny |
Barotropic wave propagation and instability, atmospheric teleconnection patterns, and behaviour of large-scale models A J Simmons |
The sensitivity of the simulated large-scale flow to conservation properties and horizontal diffusion schemes in the ECMWF gridpoint model R Strüfing |
Winter and summer simulations with the ECMWF model M Tiedtke |
Reduction of systematic forecast errors in the ECMWF model through the introduction of an envelope orography J M Wallace |