Zak Kipling

Scientific Software Engineer
Copernicus, Integrated Forecast Systems, System Design Group


Zak works on the physical and chemical modelling of atmospheric aerosol as part of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). This includes both developing new approaches to improve these parameterisations and their coupling with other parts of the IFS, and integrating improvements developed by our external partners.

Professional interests:
  • Aerosol modelling
  • Aerosol–chemistry interactions
  • Removal processes, especially wet deposition by cloud and precipitation
  • Air quality impacts
  • Feedbacks on cloud, radiation and climate
Career background:

2016–present Scientist at ECMWF in CAMS Development Section.

2013–2016 Post-doc at the University of Oxford in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Plantary Physics, working on aerosol–convection interactions in global models as part of the ACCLAIM project.

2009–2013 D.Phil. at the University of Oxford in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics. Thesis title "Cloud cycling, scavenging and aerosol vertical profiles: process sensitivity and observational constraints", supervised by Philip Stier and Colin Johnson (UK Met Office).

2008–2009 M.Sc. at the University of Reading in Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere and Oceans (Departments of Mathematics and Meteorology). Dissertation title "Error growth in medium-range forecasting models", supervised by Andrew Charlton-Perez and Cristina Primo (ECMWF, now DWD).

2002–2008 Software Engineer at Transversal, Cambridge.

1998–2001 BA (Hons) at the University of Cambridge (Girton College) in Mathematics.

  • 2024
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  • 2019
    • Ades M., Adler R., Aldeco L.S., Alejandra G., Alfaro E.J., Aliaga-Nestares V., Allan R.P., Allan R., Alves L.M., Amador J.A., Andersen J.K., Anderson J., Arndt D.S., Arosio C., Arrigo K., Azorin-Molina C., Bardin M.Y., Barichivich J., Barreira S., Baxter S., Beck H.E., Becker A., Bell G.D., Bellouin N., Belmont M., Benedetti A., Benedict I., Bernhard G.H., Berrisford P., Berry D.I., Bettio L., Bhatt U.S., Biskaborn B.K., Bissolli P., Bjella K.L., Bjerke J.K., Blake E.S., Blenkinsop S., Blunden J., Bock O., Bosilovich M.G., Boucher O., Box J.E., Boyer T., Braathen G., Bringas F.G., Bromwich D.H., Brown A., Brown R., Brown T.J., Buehler S.A., Cáceres L., Calderón B., Camargo S.J., Campbell J.D., Campos Diaz D.A., Cappelen J., Carrea L., Carrier S.B., Carter B.R., Castro A.Y., Cetinic I., Chambers D.P., Chen L., Cheng L., Cheng V.Y.S., Christiansen H.H., Christy J.R., Chung E.-S., Claus F., Clem K.R., Coelho C.A.S., Coldewey-Egbers M., Colwell S., Cooper O.R., Cosca C., Covey C., Coy L., Dávila C.P., Davis S.M., de Eyto E., de Jeu R.A.M., De Laat J., Decharme B., Degasperi C.L., Degenstein D., Demircan M., Derksen C., Dhurmea K.R., Di Girolamo L., Diamond H.J., Diaz E., Diniz F.A., Dlugokencky E.J., Dohan K., Dokulil M.T., Dolman A.J., Domingues C.M., Domingues R., Donat M.G., Dorigo W.A., Drozdov D.S., Druckenmiller M.L., Dunn R.J.H., Durre I., Dutton G.S., Elkharrim M., Elkins J.W., Epstein H.E., Espinoza J.C., Famiglietti J.S., Farrell S.L., Fausto R.S., Feely R.A., Feng Z., Fenimore C., Fettweis X., Fioletov V.E., Flemming J., Fogt R.L., Forbes B.C., Foster M.J., Francis S.D., Franz B.A., Frey R.A., Frith S.M., Froidevaux L., Ganter C., Garforth J., Gerland S., Gilson J., Gleason K., Gobron N., Goetz S., Goldenberg S.B., Goni G., Gray A., Grooß J.-U., Gruber A., Gu G., Guard C.C.P., Gupta S.K., Gutiérrez D., Haas C., Hagos S., Hahn S., Haimberger L., Hall B.D., Halpert M.S., Hamlington B.D., Hanna E., Hanssen-Bauer I., Harris I., Hazeleger W., He Q., Heidinger A.K., Heim R.R., Hemming D.L., Hendricks S., Hernández R., Hersbach H.E., Hidalgo H.G., Ho S.-P.B., Holmes R.M., Hu C., Huang B., Hubbard K., Hubert D., Hurst D.F., Ialongo I., Ijampy J.A., Inness A., Isaac V., Isaksen K., Ishii M., Jeffries M.O., Jevrejeva S., Jia G., Jiménez C., Jin X., John V., Johnsen B., Johnson G.C., Johnson K.S., Johnson B., Jones P.D., Jumaux G., Kabidi K., Kaiser J.W., Karaköylü E.M., Karlsen S.-R., Karnauskas M., Kato S., Kazemi A.F., Kelble C., Keller L.M., Kennedy J., Kholodov A.L., Khoshkam M., Kidd R., Killick R., Kim H., Kim S.-J., King A.D., King B.A., Kipling Z., Klotzbach P.J., Knaff J.A., Korhonen J., Korshunova N.N., Kramarova N.A., Kratz D.P., Kruger A., Kruk M.C., Krumpen T., Labbé L., Ladd C., Lakatos M., Lakkala K., Lander M.A., Landschützer P., Landsea C.W., Lareau N.P., Lavado-Casimiro W., Lazzara M.A., Lee T.C., Leuliette E., L’heureux M., Li B., Li T., Lieser J.L., Lim J.-Y., Lin I.-I., Liu H., Locarnini R., Loeb N.G., Long C.S., López L.A., Lorrey A.M., Loyola D., Lumpkin R., Luo J.-J., Luojus K., Lyman J.M., Malkova G.V., Manney G.L., Marchenko S.S., Marengo J.A., Marin D., Marquardt Collow A.B., Marra J.J., Marszelewski W., Martens B., Martínez-Güingla R., Massom R.A., May L., Mayer M., Mazloff M., McBride C., McCabe M., McClelland J.W., McEvoy D.J., McGree S., McVicar T.R., Mears C.A., Meier W., Meijers A., Mekonnen A., Mengistu Tsidu G., Menzel W.P., Merchant C.J., Meredith M.P., Merrifield M.A., Miller B., Miralles D.G., Misevicius N., Mitchum G.T., Mochizuki Y., Monselesan D., Montzka S.A., Mora N., Morice C., Mosquera-Vásquez K., Mostafa A.E., Mote T., Mudryk L., Mühle J., Mullan A.B., Müller R., Myneni R., Nash E.R., Nauslar N.J., Nerem R.S., Newman P.A., Nicolas J.P., Nieto J.J., Noetzli J., Osborn T.J., Osborne E., Overland J., Oyunjargal L., Park T., Pasch R.J., Pascual Ramírez R., Pastor Saavedra M.A., Paterson A.M., Pearce P.R., Pelto M.S., Perovich D., Petropavlovskikh I., Pezza A.B., Phillips C., Phillips D., Phoenix G., Pinty B., Pitts M., Po-Chedley S., Polashenski C., Preimesberger W., Purkey S.G., Quispe N., Rajeevan M., Rakotoarimalala C.L., Ramos A.M., Ramos I., Randel W., Raynolds M.K., Reagan J., Reid P., Reimer C., Rémy S., Revadekar J.V., Richardson A.D., Richter-Menge J., Ricker R., Ripaldi A., Robinson D.A., Rodell M., Rodriguez Camino E., Romanovsky V.E., Ronchail J., Rosenlof K.H., Rösner B., Roth C., Rozanov A., Rusak J.A., Rustemeier E., Rutishäuser T., Sallée J.-B., Sánchez-Lugo A., Santee M.L., Sawaengphokhai P., Sayouri A., Scambos T.A., Scanlon T., Scardilli A.S., Schenzinger V., Schladow S.G., Schmid C., Schmid M., Schoeneich P., Schreck C.J., Selkirk H.B., Sensoy S., Shi L., Shiklomanov A.I., Shiklomanov N.I., Shimpo A., Shuman C.A., Siegel D.A., Sima F., Simmons A.J., Smeets C.J.P.P., Smith A., Smith S.L., Soden B., Sofieva V., Sparks T.H., Spence J., Spencer R.G.M., Spillane S., Srivastava A.K., Stabeno P.J., Stackhouse P.W., Stammerjohn S., Stanitski D.M., Steinbrecht W., Stella J.L., Stengel M., Stephenson T.S., Strahan S.E., Streeter C., Streletskiy D.A., Sun-Mack S., Suslova A., Sutton A.J., Swart S., Sweet W., Takahashi K.S., Tank S.E., Taylor M.A., Tedesco M., Thackeray S.J., Thompson P.R., Timbal B., Timmermans M.-L., Tobin S., Tømmervik H., Tourpali K., Trachte K., Tretiakov M., Trewin B.C., Triñanes J.A., Trotman A.R., Tschudi M., Tye M.R., van As D., van de Wal R.S.W., van der A R.J., van der Schalie R., van der Schrier G., van der Werf G.R., van Heerwaarden C., Van Meerbeeck C.J., Verburg P., Vieira G., Vincent L.A., Vömel H., Vose R.S., Walker D.A., Walsh J.E., Wang B., Wang H., Wang L., Wang M., Wang M., Wang R., Wang S.-H., Wanninkhof R., Watanabe S., Weber M., Webster M., Weerts A., Weller R.A., Westberry T.K., Weyhenmeyer G.A., Widlansky M.J., Wijffels S.E., Wilber A.C., Wild J.D., Willett K.M., Wong T., Wood E.F., Woolway R.I., Xue Y., Yin X., Yu L., Zambrano E., Zeyaeyan S., Zhang H.-M., Zhang P., Zhao G., Zhao L., Zhou X., Zhu Z., Ziemke J.R., Ziese M., Andersen A., Griffin J., Hammer G., Love-Brotak S.E., Misch D.J., Riddle D.B., Veasey S.W. (September 2019) State of the climate in 2018, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1
    • Yoshioka M., Regayre L.A., Pringle K.J., Johnson J.S., Mann G.W., Partridge D.G., Sexton D.M.H., Lister G.M.S., Schutgens N., Stier P., Kipling Z., Bellouin N., Browse J., Booth B.B.B., Johnson C.E., Johnson B., Mollard J.D.P., Lee L., Carslaw K.S. (September 2019) Ensembles of Global Climate Model Variants Designed for the Quantification and Constraint of Uncertainty in Aerosols and Their Radiative Forcing, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. DOI: 10.1029/2019MS001628
    • Antje Inness, Melanie Ades, Anna Agustí-Panareda, Jérôme Barré, Anna Benedictow, Anne-Marlene Blechschmidt, Juan Jose Dominguez, Richard Engelen, Henk Eskes, Johannes Flemming, Vincent Huijnen, Luke Jones, Zak Kipling, Sebastien Massart, Mark Parrington, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Miha Razinger, Samuel Remy, Michael Schulz, Martin Suttie (March 2019) The CAMS reanalysis of atmospheric composition, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI: 10.5194/acp-19-3515-2019
    • Peng Xian, Jeffrey S. Reid, Edward J. Hyer, Charles R. Sampson, Juli I. Rubin, Melanie Ades, Nicole Asencio, Sara Basart, Angela Benedetti, Partha S. Bhattacharjee, Malcolm E. Brooks, Peter R. Colarco, Arlindo M. da Silva, Tom F. Eck, Jonathan Guth, Oriol Jorba, Rostislav Kouznetsov, Zak Kipling, Mikhail Sofiev, Carlos Perez Garcia‐Pando, Yaswant Pradhan, Taichu Tanaka, Jun Wang, Douglas L. Westphal, Keiya Yumimoto, Jianglong Zhang (April 2019) Current state of the global operational aerosol multi‐model ensemble: An update from the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP), Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.3497
    • Samuel Rémy, Zak Kipling, Johannes Flemming, Olivier Boucher, Pierre Nabat, Martine Michou, Alessio Bozzo, Melanie Ades, Vincent Huijnen, Angela Benedetti, Richard Engelen, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Jean-Jacques Morcrette (November 2019) Description and evaluation of the tropospheric aerosol scheme in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS-AER, cycle 45R1), Geoscientific Model Development n. 11, pp. 4627-4659. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-12-4627-2019
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