Sarah-Jane Lock

Research, Earth System Modelling, Model Uncertainty


Sarah-Jane Lock works in the Model Uncertainty Team. She maintains and develops the stochastic representations of model uncertainty, which form part of the forecast and assimilation systems.

Professional interests:
  • Stochastic representations of model uncertainty, e.g. the Stochastically Perturbed Parametrization Tendencies (SPPT) scheme, the Stochastically Perturbed Parametrizations (SPP) scheme
  • Bringing greater physical consistency to model uncertainty representations
  • Exploring sources of model uncertainty across the forecasting system: atmospheric physics, atmospheric dynamics, coupled processes
  • Numerical methods for atmospheric models, e.g. time-integration methods
Career background:

PhD (2008), "Development of a new numerical model for studying microscale atmospheric dynamics"; Institute for Climate & Atmospheric Science (ICAS), University of Leeds, UK; Supervisors: Alan Gadian, Alison Coals

MSci Theoretical Physics (I) (1999); Queen Mary, University of London, UK


2013 -- present: Scientist, Research Department, ECMWF

2011 -- 2012: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant (Co-PI), ICAS, University of Leeds, UK; Gung-Ho project (with UK Met Office)

2008 -- 2010: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, ICAS, University of Leeds, UK; COPS project

1999 -- 2004: Assistant Statistician, Department for Education & Skills, UK

External recognitions

Member of Royal Meteorological Society & Institute of Physics